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Zoombies (2016)

Zoombies (2016)

Ione ButlerAndrew AsperLaLa NestorKim Nielsen
Glenn Miller


Zoombies (2016) is a English movie. Glenn Miller has directed this movie. Ione Butler,Andrew Asper,LaLa Nestor,Kim Nielsen are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Zoombies (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Not quite ready to open its gates to the public, the endangered-species-oriented Eden Wildlife Zoo receives a group of college students who apply for a zoology internship. But, an ill monkey will soon lead to virulent contamination, as the deadly disease that starts to infect the animals one by one, is turning them into ravenous undead predators. Now, it's up to Dr Ellen Rogers and her skeleton crew to fight the virus and the zoo's zombified inhabitants before they escape. Are humans next in the long list of endangered species?

Zoombies (2016) Reviews

  • Thanks to Asylum ,the drive-in movie is still alive


    Folks that are fans of Asylum movies will not be let down by this zombie/action movie,as it is fairly standard Asylum type movie.I myself do like the stuff coming out of the company,and have for years.Plenty of c.g.i. monkeys ,blood ,and other effects,and some decent effects,and make-up.The gorilla ,Kifa ,i think, was an actor ,and was cool enuf,and not c.g.i. .the actors,some regulars for Asylum ,did a good job,and there were some hot chicks in there.I wish these films had more eye candy,like some bare breasts,but this is not for everyone,and most of these films are for t.v. ,so ,it is what it is.For the most part,this was a cool way to kill some spare time on my week-end ,and knock off a six pack.Great for a one time watch.Back in the 80,s ,there was a movie from Italy that had some rampaging ,pcp influenced animals that wiped out a bunch of people ,and this shoddy gem reminded me of that movie.glad that Asylum is still pumping these out.

  • Fast Wasps


    There is a temptation to compare this to Sharknado in the whole 'so lame that it is cool' category of terrible movies. The problem is that while Sharknado utilises a stupid concept to make a movie that is pure trash but also pure awesome, Zoombies is mostly the trash part with very little awesome. There are clear comparisons to Jurassic World, but where that movie's shaky plot is made up for by big budget effects, cool set pieces and Chris Pratt, this movie has none of these, so it is just mostly rubbish. Sure there are some laughs at seeing actors pretend they are sitting on elephants and hanging from a rope (seriously how hard is it to actually shoot actors hanging from a rope - just put them on a rope a couple of feet above the ground), but overall it is far more cringe than amusement. Possibly good for a laugh if you are tired of all the other 'so lame it's cool' movies out there, but really this one is the pits.

  • Cheap tacky C.G.I & visual effect what do you expect from asylum


    Likes : I really don't know how to say this film is shockingly bad , the only two thing i can say that is good, it that its not your typical human zombie film's that have been done to death, which is a plus side in the concept of it being zombie animals. The thing is the acting is some what bearable at time so it does have though two things working for it , but sadly its not enough to stop this film being seriously bad. Dislikes : Where do i start, there are so many thing bad about this film is shocking these film ever make it to DVD, the c.g.i is so poor & cheap looking it look fake & the scene with the gorilla some of it is bad C.G.I & half of it looks like a guy in a cheesy costume shop gorilla suit that so fake it just make this film even worst. There is a few seen where the dialogue is really bad along with its cuts scene it like this film has been made by an amateur but this is what you should expect from asylum pictures cheap, fake looking movies that end up being shown on syfy channel with all the other poor film's. Unless your a fan of asylum film i would avoid this trash. These people that make this low budget film's on a low budget should not use C.G.I its cheap & tacky on screen it look fake, on these budget animatronic should be use only because it look better with a low budget than force a poorly made C.G.I effect film because it looks bad.

  • For what you expect, interesting film


    I came into watching this movie with no expectations and this made it a better film. It has a unique plot and although the acting may be sub par, it is filled with a lot of funny one liners. Overall, i would recommend as long as you're watching it for entertainment and not in a critical way.

  • Atrocious, poorly acted and generally stupid


    *******DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS, LOTS*************** Wow, there just aren't words to describe it. Awful, ridiculous, ludicrous are probably some to start with. First of all the cause of the zombie animals is epinephrine. Seriously? So a doc has a monkey in full arrest and administers inter-cardiac epi which turns it into the first of the zoombies. Wow! Don't even know where to start with that. The acting is more of a caricature than anything real. Wooden. And the kid is creepy through a fair amount of the movie with that Stepford smile. I won't even get into the two-way commercial radios they are supposedly using actually being cheap Chinese Ham radios which in the movie just happen to be on the police SWAT frequency as well as tied into the cellular phone network when they would actually be on a licensed business band freq. Not to mention they seem to be full duplex vox since no one ever presses the transmit button to talk. All pretty much impossible. (Some cell interconnection on digital systems is possible but this ain't it) I love how the security guy says they don't have cameras set up to see what's going on anywhere at the lab complex yet when they arrive at the lab there are cameras friggin everywhere and they are used throughout the rest of the film to see what's going on. Got to love five lions surrounding the group less than a foot away ready to shred them to bits and eat them yet they manage to get into the jeep and get away just fine. I could go on but it gets worse with the ending, with the mother killing the only friend that her little girl has in the world, the gorilla. Really a waste of time to watch, sorry I spent 1 1/2 hours on it.

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