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WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012)

WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012)

Daisy AgneMichael AgneNick BegichJames R. Fleming
Michael J. Murphy


WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012) is a English movie. Michael J. Murphy has directed this movie. Daisy Agne,Michael Agne,Nick Begich,James R. Fleming are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

An investigation into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs (weather control).

WHY in the World Are They Spraying? (2012) Reviews

  • This is a scam


    Basicaly, they can't make distinction between correlation and cause in the movie. Correlation is when 2 phenomenon act together but that neither affect the other. For example, when the Ganges goes up, criminality in New York follows, but there the real cause is that summer comes in new york and robbers act more during this season, where the rain comes at the same period of the year in India. Therefore, the real cause is the way the sun hit Earth, and the seasons that occurs. In the movie, the self-called experts says that the Chemtrails cause the hole in the ozone layer (but in fact it's CFC and now a day's ozone layer's hole tend to diminish even though the experts says that there is more spraying now a days); that climate change is caused by chemtrails when it is demonstrated that global warming is to blame; that there is contamination variation from different metals (no investigation made if a manufacture or mine is nearby enough to put those particles in the air and with wind change, pollution variation); and the fact that airplanes goes through clouds, well yes they do because freight and passengers do fly in plane. No answers is given as to who benefits from spraying (they argue mosanto but that isn't anybody; share holders would have to know (cause an expense line would be on the annual public report), and which plane would be used, cause to spray a large zone you need planes design to do it and store them somewhere. And if NSA wasn't able to keep secret the internet spy scheme for 7 years, how come no whistle blowers from the inside have spoken out about it? Come on, there is climate changes, there is global dimming, there was a hole in the ozone layer, but the cause isn't the chemtrails which just are the visible result of heating air and moisture in the higher atmosphere, point. Stop loosing time on chemtrails and start looking for fiscal avoidance from the 1% which can be accomplished on a legal and personal basis that have evidence and law's that back it. Look at money repartition which considerably have change and concentrated in the hands of few in the last 35 year following deregulation on incomes taxes. These are real issues.

  • I think this movie is bunk


    I am skeptical of this movie's premise. It has incited many people to advocate violence against what are surely commercial passenger jets making ordinary contrails. Hope your loved ones aren't on one of those flights... Rosalind Peterson, one of the interviewees, has since stated unequivocally that there is no evidence at all for "chemtrails". Francis Mangels, also interviewed, shows some lab reports from dirty snow/rain and claims they are unusual, but they are no different than readings from 30-40 years ago. Dr. James Fleming, also appearing, has since stated that he is "Not an advocate of the chemtrails conspiracy theory". The movie takes parts of different talks given by Dr. David Keith and selectively edits them to make it appear he said something which he did not say. Why did they feel they had to do that? David Keith has openly opposed any sort of geoengineering. He has spoken on camera to many of the people in the movie, but the makers didn't include those interviews, why? Now, he is getting death threats at his office. This movie is billed as a documentary, but those are supposed to show both sides of a controversy. The makers filmed skeptics for hours, but included none of that footage. The chemtrail idea hasn't garnered any support from credible environmental scientists and that should make you wonder since there are millions of them out there who care for the environment. Commercial jets fly through the same airspace making contrails all the time, those thousands of pilots see nothing unusual. The makers have spent years making two movies that really don't seem to be getting down to the meat of the identity of these planes. That makes you wonder why they are milking this forever. You can tell that they know these are ordinary commercial jets because they include a short clip during the credits and reggae song which can be seen to be a regular Cargolux airliner making contrails. Many are fooled, don't be one of them.

  • Must see documentary


    This documentary was enlightening and engaging. It provides a clear and well supported explanation about the agendas related to geo-engineering and how geo-engineering is creating an impact on the world. I constantly found myself wanting to see and know more about the implications of this science and chemtrails or aerosol spraying which are all too disturbing. It's a great follow up to What In The World Are They Spraying and the additional climate change information presented in this documentary is astounding. Whether you are familiar with these concepts or not, Why In The World Are They Spraying provides compelling insight into where science is heading and the related consequences that we can experience. Take the time to watch this film.

  • I must say that this was a great followup to the first movie. A must-see


    I must say that this was a great followup to the first movie. For those who are skeptical about Geo-engineering this is the best introduction to the issue. A must see. Some of the revelations in this movie will make your jaw drop. Aesthetically, a hundred times better than the first. Story wise, this film made sure every scene pertained to the larger picture. Using credible sources, the filmmakers weave an intricate web interlacing strands like GMO seeds, Mansanto, Geoengineering and the stock market to explain why they are spraying. I hope he goes deeper and presents us with the obvious follow up "who is spraying"? I love documentaries and "Why in the World" is great evening entertainment because it is both informative and short! Why is the latter important? Because it means this movie doesn't eat up your Saturday evening. It allows you time after to sit with friends and debate its contents over drinks. And that is the way to end a Saturday night.

  • Excellent, informative, entertaining documentary.


    Wow, what an eye opening film. After seeing an email from a friend telling me about this documentary, I decided to take the hour or so to watch it. It was the most productive hour I've ever spent watching a movie! Being unaware of this science called geoengineering, I did my own research. The filmmakers took extra care in enlightening us to facts about how scientists are spraying heavy metals and other toxins into the sky to counter act the affects of global warming, while actually harming the planet as a result of this wild scheme. The story was told in a way that makes the subject easy to understand. Some of the interviews were so interesting and informative, I did a search of their names on Google. They are very credible people. The facts are; something is going on in our skies, we are not seeing normal weather patterns that I remember when I was growing up in the 80's, so many people are showing up with more and more respiratory ailments and geoengineers are telling us that this is what they want to do to the earth. The film does an amazing job of telling us how weather control affects agriculture, the military and financial institutions. The filmmakers showed the classic money trail. Weather derivatives are being traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. These geoengineering plans could benefit a few billionaires and corporations at the expense of every living thing on our planet. The style of this documentary was very exciting to watch because we never heard a person telling us what we were going to see next. The whole movie was a collection of articulate messages as told directly from the experts. I loved the "bios" of each expert interviewed. The graphics provided clear and excellent points to understand this issue. The music helped tell the story, too. The video ends with a powerful message of hopeĀ… and a desire to have this message shared with everyone. The closing song is so memorable that I am still hearing it in my head. Apparently, the producers have made this documentary available to all through YouTube and IMDb. I did actually buy a DVD to share with others and to support their incredible film. If I could give it more stars I would. This movie should be seen by everyone.

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