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When We First Met (2018)

When We First Met (2018)

Adam DevineAlexandra DaddarioShelley HennigAndrew Bachelor
Ari Sandel


When We First Met (2018) is a English,Mandarin movie. Ari Sandel has directed this movie. Adam Devine,Alexandra Daddario,Shelley Hennig,Andrew Bachelor are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. When We First Met (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Noah thinks he has the perfect first night with Avery, the girl of his dreams, but gets relegated to the friend zone. He spends the next three years wondering what went wrong - until he gets the unexpected chance to travel back in time and change that night - and his fate - over and over again.

When We First Met (2018) Reviews

  • Exactly what you are expecting


    Do you know what is like when you don't want a movie to end? That's exactly what you get by watching that movie. A twist of love, laughter, a good story, that's all you need. I enjoyed it more than expected to be honest and it's being a while since I had that feeling from a film that kind. Perfect cast and good storyline.

  • Wholesome FeelGood RomCom


    Honestly, I went into this movie with low expectations, and I came out pleasantly surprised and amused. I like Adam Devine, especially his work in Workaholics, and find him quite funny. Alexandra Daddario, in my most humble opinion, is such a total BABE; so fine omg. Anyway, I digress; this movie was just super wholesome and left you with a good warm feeling when you finished it. Sure it was cliche at moments and you could basically predict the plot if you're an avid movie watcher, but I don't think that takes away from the movie in general. If you came into this movie expecting an oscar-winning crazy complex contemporary movie that made you really think about it's major themes and underlying messages then I'm sorry but you're going to be sorely disappointed. However, if you go into this movie with an open mind, a fun mood, and some popcorn, I believe you will come to enjoy this movie for what it is: a Wholesome Feelgood Romcom.

  • Awesome movie!


    Just have to say I loved this movie and found it to be sweet, touching, funny, and refreshingly good.:) It had good acting plus didn't lower itself to idiotic dumb gags or the usual low level chick flick. It even surprised me a bit in the end and I only hope that Netflix makes more movies like this. This is probably one of the few Netflix self made things that I actually really liked. It's perfect for a date night or to watch single or with friends. My hubby liked it too which means if he liked it (who usually doesn't watch this type of stuff) then that's saying something...;)

  • A pretty decent romcom, but it probably won't stick with you.


    I've read reviews saying this was suprisingly good and better than the usual chickflick, but I think that "When we first met" is exactly that: The usual chickflick. The only thing that was better done than you might expect is the ending. I think most people will not see this ending coming, but will probably be sort of hoping for it throughout the movie. The comedy/humour in "When we first met" is mostly a bit dull and/or idiotic, but some parts really do make you laugh. I think that they might have been trying too hard to be funny, which made it a little bit awkward at times, but I suppose that that comes with this genre. It's not better, but also not worse, than you'd expect. The main character isn't as likeable as he/she usually is in a romcom, but this character will warm up to you. The secundairy characters consist of the pretty girl who's put on a way too high pedestal without any real reason, the handsom guy who everybody likes except one (because of jealousy ofcourse), the goovy/cool female friend and the goovy/cool male friend. You'll find yourself liking some of them though, which makes for an enjoyable movie. 6/10. -Imme van Gorp

  • Groundhog day, with a twist


    Started the film, thinking it was just another groundhog day ripoff, but was extremely pleasantly surprised in the course of the film. There are some genuine laughs and a slow and unexpected turn of events. Lovely actors and a nice story.... Just watch it. It's a romkom, but you will be pleasantly surprised...

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