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When Jeff Tried to Save the World (2018)

When Jeff Tried to Save the World (2018)

Jon HederBrendan MeyerAnna KonkleMaya Erskine
Kendall Goldberg


When Jeff Tried to Save the World (2018) is a English movie. Kendall Goldberg has directed this movie. Jon Heder,Brendan Meyer,Anna Konkle,Maya Erskine are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. When Jeff Tried to Save the World (2018) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

When the manager of an old-school bowling alley discovers the owner's plans to sell, saving Winky's World means pulling himself out of the gutter, too.

When Jeff Tried to Save the World (2018) Reviews

  • Interesting film


    The story starts slowly but once you realize what's actually happening you'll enjoy the characters and plot ! This is a look into a group of people who are facing that transition in life we all must face one day. The bowling alley was once a thriving community spot but now those days have past. And along with it the employees must face that nothing is forever. We see the results of that thought when the old man is found living in the bowling alley back room. It's a good look into common everyday people who won't change until something comes along to force change. Even Jeff realizes he doesn't need his medication! A thoughtful story!

  • A great indie film!


    A sincere and beautifully crafted film. Joh Heder gives a layered, affecting performance. It's a small personal story that sneaks up on you with emotional oomph. I highly recommend it to lovers of indie film, bowling, or anyone who's ever had to struggle with change in their lives-- so, everyone.

  • Life-Affirming and Heartfelt


    Had the privilege of watching this film in theaters. The story is so well-crafted, that while there are some borderline incredulous moments, it has just the right amount of quirk and emotion to carry itself all the way to the last moment. Beautifully crafted and well-performed, this film ought to be an example for all up-and-coming indie filmmakers. Highly recommend.

  • Wow. So boring.


    Where to begin? How often my mind wandered while trying to watch? How partway through I realized I was watching a movie about a boring guy trying to keep a boring bowling alley open? How at that point I realized that this was the worst idea for a movie, unless it's a comedy, and this movie is not a comedy. We didn't even make it to the end. We don't know if Jeff saved the bowling alley. We don't care.

  • Cinematography/Acting were good. Movie composition and story were boring and pointless


    I really liked the overall feel of the cinematography,sets,acting,ambiance,music choices to name a few... BUT... That being said the rest of what makes a good to great movie literally the whole other half was horrendously excruciatingly slow and without substance. There was NO story. Its a week out of the life of a boring guy whos about to lose his job. Where you would expect a grand plan to form and be carried out either comically or seriously depending on the genre to save said boring guys job there is nothing of note. You expect something to happen to make worthwhile the couple hours youve devoted to watching this and it just never does. Boring guy boring job boring lay off and then it ends. I rarely review movies and i watch movies daily so when i come across something this bad that i deem so without merit that I feel bound to warn off others? It really really really has to have left me with the feeling of being robbed of time i could've better spent staring at a blank wall. Do yourself the favor take my advice don't watch this its bad

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