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Thud Pilot (2018)

Thud Pilot (2018)

Larry PooleVic VizcarraGary BarnhillGiles W. Gainer
Mark Vizcarra


Thud Pilot (2018) is a English movie. Mark Vizcarra has directed this movie. Larry Poole,Vic Vizcarra,Gary Barnhill,Giles W. Gainer are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Thud Pilot (2018) is considered one of the best Documentary movie in India and around the world.

An edge-of-your-seat documentary that exposes the Vietnam Air War where an elite band of brothers known as Thud Pilots fought and died receiving neither the country's support nor glory.

Thud Pilot (2018) Reviews

  • Thunderchief Stories in the Pilots Own Words


    "Thud Pilot" tells the stories of the F-105 Thunderchief and the pilots who flew them during the Vietnam War. Like many films in this genre it tends to glamourize the aircraft and pilots. What sets it apart are the extended accounts by the pilots and of their experiences flying the Thuds in combat over Vietnam. Their account are lengthy and detailed with some emotion and commentary. Each account is framed with historical background so the viewer understands the context of the pilot's stories. While the film is structured to document the aircraft the pilot's and maintenance chief's stories steal the show. The film presents a scathing rebuke to the military tactics by which the Thuds were deployed attributing the tactic to timid politiciacians who had no idea how to win the Vietnam War. Many examples are presented of how these tactics unnecessarily endanged the lives of the Thud pilots and resulted in the loss of many men and machines. The film details the ineffective tactics which were eventually discarded but only after decisive opportunities for the Thunderchiefs to impact the war were lost. There is a quick look at the Vietnam War protests with a comment that the protestors tooks sides with the North Vietnamese. While that may have been a common sentiment of the day it is not a valid historical note. This short segment also ads nothing to the film and would have been better left on the cutting room floor.

  • Outstanding ... brave warriors and cowardly politicians


    As a Vietnam vet, I enjoyed this documentary. Unfortunately it is just a reminder of the good men lost due to tying the hands of our soldiers and warriors. A lesson we still have not learned. I recommend it to everyone.

  • Special significance


    I watched this movie out of interest and was very pleased. This documentary was the life my father lived as a Thud pilot and my family's experience. I was floored when I saw the in memory of J.T. Stadler. I had no idea it was there before watching. That is my father and I am forever grateful to those responsible for including him with this honor. It is an accurate account of the events and political climate that existed. So many brave souls put into harms way serving and doing their best to protect and defend others. For those critical of the political statements made in the film regarding the anti war protests one must remember that the brave warriors shown and others fight to allow that opinion, as harmful as it was and still could be. I would have them read a writing from John Stuart Mill. It begins with "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things".

  • Great Documentary


    Interesting documentary. An aspect of the Vietnam War I hadn't seen. I have the utmost respect for these pilots and their ground crews.

  • Watching Family History


    A friend found this movie and I was riveted. I'd heard my father tell these same types of stories for years. He's gone now, but watching the men he shared a time with was very moving and therapeutic. A lot of the names are familiar. A great tribute to a great group of men.

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