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The Feels (2017)

The Feels (2017)

Constance WuAngela TrimburJosh FademJenée LaMarque
Jenée LaMarque


The Feels (2017) is a English movie. Jenée LaMarque has directed this movie. Constance Wu,Angela Trimbur,Josh Fadem,Jenée LaMarque are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. The Feels (2017) is considered one of the best Comedy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

When a group of friends gather in a woodsy cabin to celebrate the marriage of Andi and Lu, it starts off like any other similar gathering. Distant friends catch up, drinks flow freely, and spirits soar. It's all well and good and fun until, mid-drunken-mumble, it comes out that Lu's never had an orgasm. That news comes as a wee bit of a shock to Andi and things take a drastic shift. Over the course of the weekend, they reflect on trust, honesty, desire, and the various tricky things that so often trip up relationships.

The Feels (2017) Reviews

  • Decent, slice-of-life movie


    I came across this movie on Netflix and while I greatly disliked the actress who played Lu - her acting style was very distracting - I did enjoy Constance Wu's Andi and the supporting characters, especially the very funny Regular Helen.

  • not relatable at all


    I've watched a plethora of lesbian movies and yes a lot of them are really tacky and make little sense but this one was just bad. none of the characters were likeable. the script is mediocre. as a lesbian, I wasnt expecting much because let's face it, we don't get representation on screen very much so it's not a total shocker but I guess this left me wanting for more.

  • beautiful, funny, almost perfect.


    While highly improvised and not reliant on typical rom com conventions, The Feels is a romantic comedy disguised as an indie film, full of surprising turns from social comedy to (pre)matrimonial tragedy. The film is set in California wine country on the cusp of a lesbian couple's joint bachelorette weekend. On one of the first nights of their trip, one half of the pair, Lu, admits she's never had an orgasm. A madcap weekend ensues, full of the comedic and tragic elements that any modern film of this genre should have. It's a long-haul rom com, full of the awkward interactions, petty fights and misunderstandings common to a real relationship. That's what makes the film so effective and beautiful. It took me about 15 minutes to buy into this very improvisational, loose plot/dialogue structure, however. At first, the dynamics and jokes of the film felt a bit forced, trying a little too hard to be clever, to seem genuine. There's also a recurring plot device in the film in which each character gets interviewed about their first orgasm; though often hilarious, it's never explained who they're talking to and why, so it's a bit of a suspend-your-disbelief type situation. But for this film, I was so down to do that. So many things were in this film were done so well. The cinematography, of course, is gorgeous. The views of California wine country, the candlelit bachelorette dinner, the simple aesthetic of the weekend house and the vibrant background of the interviews were all just so visually appealing. They really mirrored the film's playful, explorative atmosphere. Another standout quality of the filmmaking was the dialogue. Apparently much of The Feels was improvised, which makes the hilarity of the dialogue all the more impressive. Regular Helen steals the show again and again with hilariously bawdy tales and awkward, completely unselfconscious fumbles. In my opinion, The Feels is a beautiful queer love story and a proud addition to the genre of rom com. But it's so much more than that. It shows us that sexual and romantic dysfunctions and concerns transcend gender, race and sexuality. A woman might not have any idea how to make her girlfriend come any more than a man, and that's fine. Because, and this film really drives this point home, it's about open communication, which transcends every human category. Full of humor, sadness, and everything in between, The Feels may be many things, but it's definitely not to be missed.

  • Awful


    As a lesbian, I am well accustomed to watching awful films just for a lesbian storyline but this was definitely one of the worst. I didn't connect with any of the characters and nothing really happened throughout the whole movie. There are also some really cringey parts where one of the characters sings.

  • Wasted of time!


    It was boring, from the beginning till the end, the way they suppose to "fix" the problem was not the right way at all. The only character I enjoyed was Nikkis, other than that, awful.

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