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The A-List (2015)

The A-List (2015)

Alyson StonerHal SparksSkyler ValloElizabeth Bond
Will Bigham


The A-List (2015) is a English movie. Will Bigham has directed this movie. Alyson Stoner,Hal Sparks,Skyler Vallo,Elizabeth Bond are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. The A-List (2015) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama movie in India and around the world.

Eric Schultz, the most popular student at Lake O'Dell High School, is coerced by his guidance counselor, Sylvia Martin, into fulfilling a list of her high school fantasies in order for him to graduate.

Same Actors

The A-List (2015) Reviews

  • Terrible movie


    I thought it was a joke that the kid they chose was supposed to be "the popular one." The fawning girls and everyone caring about this one guy is of course an overplayed plot in movies but choosing someone who would actually be believable in that roll would have made it a tiny bit better. His hair is so distracting I couldn't even take him seriously. He and his rag tag group of misfits would hardly be considered popular in the real world. The acting overall was cringe worthy, character development awful, and the whole plot is just ridiculous. Don't waste your time.

  • The Awful-List


    The A-List is an anomalous attempt to make a quirky teen comedy out of a melancholic story about an unethical and mentally imbalanced guidance counselor who now works at her former high school. A two decades old heartbreak - stemming from a nice, popular male student's gentle rejection to date her - has somehow devolved into an unfathomable victimization of a teen student, who is the son of the aforementioned high schooler. In this film's alternate reality, a school-sanctioned popularity list is a daily concern amongst attractive, accomplished honor students. Apparently, it's not enough to be popular based on appearance, wealth, grades, and extracurricular activities; ranking on the A-List is of primary importance to either their narcissism or perceived self-worth. The few cheap laughs (more like snickers) and mostly talented cast add little to this sordid fantasy of a teen boy pimped out (exploited) under threat, to complete a predatory woman's old high school bucket list. At the film's "happy" end, when the superficiality of their A-List is revealed (paging Captain Obvious), we are supposed to believe that everybody is better off after the stalking, blackmail, and passive-aggressive cruelty that was launched by a disturbed authority figure. The supporting characters of student narcissists and sociopaths, and creepers like the school's male principal with a proclivity for naughty talk to teens, ultimately leads nowhere... but somewhere, John Hughes is metaphorically rolling in his grave.

  • A high quality movie with a simple plot


    This isn't normally the sort of movie that gets a lot of feedback or reviews, but as an avid movie lover and user of IMDb for years this was the first one that made me register an account finally to give it a good vote. A-List seems like your typical high school story of the popular kid and the dramatic thing that would never really happen happening and the whole school being obsessed with being popular etc. But it didn't turn into the predictable movie I was expecting. It is still a simple plot, but the acting, writing, and especially the filming were of a quality you don't come to expect from movies that didn't even get much advertising. Just wanted to give credit where credit is most definitely due, and this is a movie that while not too complicated, is still made with such quality that the synopsis and cheesy picture on the front don't quite do it justice. This won't be making my top 10 or even top 30 favorite movie list, but if I see this director or these actors pop up again in another movie, i'll be excited to see it.

  • Funny Satirical Piece


    What the other reviews are neglecting to tell you, is that this film is satire. It is not meant to be taken seriously. Think of "Not Another Teen Movie", but slightly more grounded. It is silly and outrageous. But this is by design. Eric Schultz is the most popular guy in school. Why? All thanks to "The A List", a social network that has him in the number one spot. Students and Faculty fawn over him in every manner. But, Eric comes to learn popularity isn't everything. Once you realize this film is making fun of how much importance teens are giving technology, you can enjoy this film. The characters are stereotypes, but each lead is played well. Above all, the film has a nice message, which is: put away the cell phone. Don't worry about labels. Be yourself. This film is not award winning material, but it is entertaining enough if you and your friends can't agree on anything in their Netflix queue. Give it a try.

  • Cringey scripts and characters


    While it might say something about popularity issue in high school (albeit very generic and overused), the movie lacks of any character that can be look upon as role models. They are all just walking stereotypes : The heartthrob, the stupid jock, the popular social media queen, the religious sweetheart. Even the adults in this movie all have twisted characters. the awkward guidance counselor that blackmails her student takes the award for the worst character in this movie. The worst is that there seems to be no consequence for all the wrongdoings that they did. I just can't grasp the message that this movie is supposed to deliver with all these walking clichés that bear no consequences of their actions. The script is also poorly written which makes the film very cringey to watch. 1/10 will recommend.

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