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Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017)

Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017)

Kristoffer PolahaLindy BoothTreat WilliamsChris McNally
Tibor Takács


Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017) is a English movie. Tibor Takács has directed this movie. Kristoffer Polaha,Lindy Booth,Treat Williams,Chris McNally are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017) is considered one of the best Family,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

Sarah Davis heads to her uncle's struggling ranch to escape New York and the spotlight from a recent breakup. Returning home for the first time since her aunt passed, complications arise when Graham, an entitled Hollywood star, arrives at the ranch to prepare for his next film. As Sarah and Graham start to bond, Sarah may get more for Christmas than she bargained for.

Rocky Mountain Christmas (2017) Reviews

  • Cute & Charming


    Cute leads. Good story. Centering on a ranch woman comes home for Christmas to lick her wounds from a break up and be with her uncle and brother after the death of her aunt. Enter heartthrob actor looking to learn ranch skills for his next movie. Flirtation ensues and heavy hearts as her uncle considers selling the ranch. Will this be the last Christmas on the ranch? Will she follow her head or her heart? Cute movie worth a watch!

  • Average


    PLEASE BEWARE OF SOME REVIEWERS THAT ONLY HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN! I HAVE DISCOVERED MANY GEMS IN MY QUEST TO SEE AS MANY " C H R I S T M A S " MOVIES AS I CAN. Now Someone keeps reporting my reviews. I guess they are jealous because I do tell the truth. I want to point out that I never make snide remarks about actors weight or real life sexual orientation. If there acting is terrible or limited "I talk about that". If a story is bad "I will mention that" So why am I being "picked on"? IMDB? When one of my reviews gets deleted IMDB will not even tell me what someone found offensive. Well on to this review Sarah Davis heads to her uncle's struggling ranch to escape New York and the spotlight from a recent breakup. Returning home for the first time since her aunt passed, complications arise when Graham, an entitled Hollywood star, arrives at the ranch to prepare for his next film. As Sarah and Graham start to bond, Sarah may get more for Christmas than she bargained for. Now the story here is average and the acting is also "average". There is almost no depth to any performance. Treat Williams gives the best performance out of very little material he was given. My main problem with this film was the fact that it seems every sentence seem to have the phrase "Ranch Hand". The entire story however was lacking but it was also very predictable. I will not be seeing this one again anytime soon!

  • I'm looking forward to the sequel...


    I'm looking forward to the sequel, which takes place two weeks after the original ends, in which plucky interior designer, Sarah and movie star, Graham realize they have made a horrible mistake in casting aside their respective careers in order to run, with no experience, a family ranch that was "barely breaking even." A quicky divorce later, they return to their respective cities and never speak of this again.

  • Another pretty good Hallmark Christmas movie! Solid 7 Stars from me!


    It's not too corny or cheesy in terms of the story. I always wonder what might happen if a common woman meets a highly-known star. They try to make it seems real, but they don't pull it off that well. It's not a blockbuster movie that costs a lot to make, so you'll understand better when I put it to you that way. It's worth a viewing or two and more if it comes around every Holiday season. It doesn't top the 'Christmas Getaway' movie as the premiere this week, but it's decent enough to watch. Give it a shot! It is better than some of the past Hallmark movies. And I just noticed that I'm the first to give this movie a review. Well, it just premiered two nights ago, so that's understandable.

  • Not My Idea of a Rocky Mountain High


    Absolutely loved Lindy Booth in Song of Christmas (2016). Loved her here too, but this movie did not quite work. First time I've seen Kristopher Polaha and he was a shining star. Treat Williams is great but the part of uncle Roy just wasn't a good fit. Overall the movie was a bit of disappointment. The story just went where it wanted with no emotional transitions. Not sure if the part of the brother or the girl friend really added anything to the movie. The title was probably added to give the movie some appeal; however, the movie had little to do with a Rocky Mountain Christmas- maybe "A Ranch Hand for Christmas" would be a better description. We stayed awake and it was enjoyable but does not deserve a re-watch.

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