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Nossa Chape (2018)

Nossa Chape (2018)

Jeff Zimbalist,Michael Zimbalist,1 more credit


Nossa Chape (2018) is a Portuguese movie. Jeff Zimbalist,Michael Zimbalist,1 more credit has directed this movie. are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Nossa Chape (2018) is considered one of the best Documentary,Sport movie in India and around the world.

NOSSA CHAPE tracks the rebuilding of the Chapecoense football club in Brazil after an airplane carrying the team crashed on November 28th, 2016, leaving all but three of the players dead. With exclusive access to the new team, families of the deceased, and three surviving players, this documentary shows a team and a city divided about how to handle tragedy - should they focus on keeping the memory of the dead alive or moving on with their own lives? As the team flies the same fated route to play the final championship game that last year's team would have played, they must unite around a common identity.

Nossa Chape (2018) Reviews

  • Very Emotional


    Wonderfully done, in capturing the emotions of those who survived and those who lost loved ones. More than just a game, but that these were fellow humans! Great job to the producers of this film and all involved.

  • Compelling Film on Grief and Resilience


    Nossa Chape ("Our team") was warmly received at this world premiere at Austin SXSW Film Festival. It is a beautiful and powerful film about how a community rebuilds after a horrific tragedy. It tells the story of what happened in Chapeco, Brazil after their beloved Chapecoense football team - soccer for us American gringos - is nearly wiped out in a plane crash that kills 71 players including most of the players, coaches and administrators. The team is at the center of the community and its tragedy is communal. The film provides an inside look at the process of how a team and a community both grieve an unfathomable tragedy and simultaneously try to move forward. Change must be balanced with honoring those who have been lost. This is not just a sports documentary; it is very deeply human story that everyone who has grieved can relate to. It is eloquent and inspiring. The story is beautifully and intimately told. Highly recommended.

  • Captivating


    Great time to release this. I remember when it happened. I remember the coverage. It's so easy to remove yourself from the reality that these professional players even from smaller clubs are still human. So this is a great reminder that they are just as human as we are. Thank you to the creators of this documentary and Fox for premiering it.

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