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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

Karan AshleyJohnny Yong BoschSteve CardenasJason David Frank
Bryan Spicer


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) is a English movie. Bryan Spicer has directed this movie. Karan Ashley,Johnny Yong Bosch,Steve Cardenas,Jason David Frank are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1995. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Family,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Six teenagers Tommy, Kimberly, Adam, Billy, Rocky and Aisha have discovered the power to fight the forces of evil. A giant egg is unearthed in Angel Grove. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa investigate the egg, and release the creature inside - Ivan Ooze, whom Zordon had trapped him inside the egg six thousand years ago. Once released, Ooze left to seek revenge on Zordon. And now Zordon in his crystalline deathbed is dying because he has no power, without the power then Zordon of Eltar will never existed. Now the fate of the universe is in their hands. But this time the Power Rangers head for a distant planet to meet up with a bikini-clad warrior babe named Dulcea who imparts ancient wisdom and power. But now that they have their powers back and becomes Power Rangers once more they will now get back to business and defeat Ivan Ooze at all costs.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) Reviews

  • Don't see how it deserves a 3.2


    At least a 5 would suffice. Like come on this movie is meant for kids and those whom love that little nostalgia yeah it was corny, and yeah, it was really stupid. But fellows, that is the power rangers. Many teenagers such as myself grew up on it. We fed on the corniness of having huge robots to make one mighty robot. It's just sad how people will judge a movie based on power rangers because power rangers aren't cool anymore. Most of these people believe it isn't because society tells them, "hey you kid, you're what, 10? Yeah... well, f.y.i. you;re a loser for liking power rangers still, move onto anime." What else is sad... is how critical people are. It's a KID'S movie. Yeah, sure, "Finding Nemo" was funny for everyone but, Power Rangers was never meant for adults. Simply, children. If it was for adults I'd say hell yeah, a 2 is out of remorse, but since i remember the good old days. I'm giving this movie a 5 because yes, there is much better movies, but this movie is good for its purpose. Or at least was.

  • Brings back so many memories


    1994 was the year of the Might Morphin Power Rangers, I was only 9 years old and was such a huge fan. I remember the summer of 1995 my friends and our parents took us to see The Might Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and we thought it was the greatest movie ever made. I know that's sad, but we loved the show and the movie lived up to a great episode with an even better budget. I hadn't seen the movie since '95, but my boyfriend and I went to Target and found this movie on the $5.50 shelf and I grabbed it for old times sake since he was also a Power Rangers fan when he was a kid. We watched it and I have to say that despite how bad it is and how mega cheesy the lines and acting are, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is what it is. It was aimed at kids and was terrific for them, the story was so bad that it was actually good. The rangers are living their lives in the fast lane, they're sky diving and roller blading, I mean is there anything they can't do? But anyways, all that is put on pause when Zordon warns the rangers of Rita and Zed's evil plan to raise Ivan Ooze. Ivan is planning to take over the world when he shrinks Rita and Zed and is putting all the kids parents under a powerful spell to make them do his bidding. Ivan then visits the command center and destroys it leaving Zordon in bad shape and now the rangers have to save the world on top of saving Zordon and become the powerful ninjas to regain their powers and defeat Ooze. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is extremely silly and cheesy, but I don't know what people were expecting when they watched it that it got such a bad rating. It's one of those movies that is so bad that it's actually good. Although Zordon's face will haunt my dreams for a long time, it was classic the way the "actors" who played the rangers presented their lines, I loved how they would fight and do back flips, yet could say their lines perfectly without sounding out of breath. Also how they replaced certain rangers with people who looked like they were picked out of a kick ball team line. But Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a classic film I think in a sense and will be a true time capsule of 1995. 10/10

  • Power Rangers on DVD wow!!!


    When I was 8 I used to rush home from school to watch the Power Rangers fight their new baddie of the week. I thought it was great! And then the movie came out and I was able to see them on the big screen. I've gotta tell you that it was fantastic! As an 8 year old I fell in love with Tommy (my first crush) and couldn't help but laugh at all of the jokes. 10 years later I found it sitting on a shop shelf, WHAT! POWER RANGERS ON DVD??? NO WAY! SO, as you do, I bought it and it was just as good as I remembered. Perhaps not for the same reasons though. Some of the jokes have worn off but as a now 18 year old I am understanding all of them now. I still find Tommy to be absolutely adorable and I have found this trip down memory lane to be quite an exciting adventure. I would recommend this movie to anyone who was a fan of the show as it is quite funny to see them talking with their fists all of the time no matter the context and the different fashion back then. How often do we see teenagers dressed with their shirts tucked into their jeans with a nice brown leather belt? Ha ha ha. I thought this movie was great for a laugh. POWER RANGERS ON DVD??? WOW!!!

  • This Movie is the Shiznit!!


    This film is not meant to be at all meaning full to an adult audience. I however saw this film as a child and loved it. I wish that children's films were still like this today instead of that animated junk. This film was terrific it has a pretty great story lovable characters and great villains. I fell bad that this terrific series has gone down the poop shoot with about 9 remakes of the characters. I think that a lot of people that were children when this came out would agree here. Not to mention the film had an amazing soundtrack. All in all for a children's film i think that this film was worth the money and i suggest this movie for the newer generation of children too!

  • Major guilty pleasure


    I hate to admit this, but "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" is one of my major guilty pleasures. I really shouldn't like this movie since it's aimed squarely at kids. But to my astonishment I did. It's no classic to be sure. It's mostly ridiculous. It's absurd in many ways. However for some odd reason, it entertained me. The thing I liked best about the movie is the six young actors who play the Power Rangers. They're all good, although I wish the screenplay would have let their characters delelop better that it did. Then this movie would have been better. I wish this movie, as well as the TV show, could have been aimed at teenagers instead of kids. Then some of it wouldn't be so juvenile. However, this movie is nowhere near as childish as the terrible second movie "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie". One good thing about "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" is that you don't see much of two of the most brainless characters in the history of show business, Bulk and Skull. Cut those guys out! The six actors who play the rangers (Karan Ashley, Johnny Yong Bosch, Steve Cardenas, Jason David Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, and David Yost) give far better performances compared to the two actors who play those goofballs (Jason Narvy and Paul Schrier) in this movie and on the TV show. Of all of these actors, only Johnson has gone on to some fame (on TV's "Felicity"). "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" has better special effects than on the show and in "Turbo", and that helps alot. This is one odd picture. It ain't all that good, but it's not all that bad either. **1/2 (out of four)

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