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Love Unleashed (2019)

Love Unleashed (2019)

Jen LilleyChristopher RussellBailey SkodjeDonna Benedicto
Christie Will Wolf


Love Unleashed (2019) is a English movie. Christie Will Wolf has directed this movie. Jen Lilley,Christopher Russell,Bailey Skodje,Donna Benedicto are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2019. Love Unleashed (2019) is considered one of the best Romance movie in India and around the world.

Beyond her regular accounting job working at her father Wade Goode's tax accounting firm, Hailey Goode, along with her best friend Dana Barton, operate the non-profit Puppy Party Playdates, which provides and manages puppies for events, such as children's parties. The non-profit's ultimate mission is to have the puppies, rescue puppies at the animal shelter where Dana works and Hailey volunteers, adopted, with one of the shorter term goals to have a dog park built in the city, Long Lake, Washington. Hailey is organizing a petition she hopes ultimately with at least one thousand signatures to present to business community-centric Mayor Mark Betz, and, to use Hailey's term, the lug-head city planner, who have the city-owned property, where Hailey would like to see the park, earmarked for "yet another" strip mall. It isn't until Hailey meets Ryan Hill, five year widowed father to eight year old Emmy Hill, at a number of the puppy parties, becomes his friend, through Emmy he expressing ...

Love Unleashed (2019) Reviews

  • very typical Hallmark movie


    To this avid Hallmark watcher, this movie seemed like it was written with a 'formula' that too many films adhere to. There was very little originality in the story line. The outcomes were predictable, and there seemed almost no reason to stay with the movie till the end. However, that said, credit should be given for some very charming acting on the part of the little girl, who embraced her role with enthusiasm and energy..The leading man, Christopher Russell, is always attractive and romantic. He did well with a very minimal and uncreative script, and, as a single dad and widower, made the hero of this movie someone relatable and sympathetic.. And now a word about Jen Lillie..Clearly, once again, she is pregnant in a film that casts her as a single businesswoman..Not sure why Hallmark continues to do this, but most viewers will notice her camouflaging clothing and her camera angles. Additionally, this lovely actress seems to have a very limited repertoire of facial expressions, causing her to smile frantically in every scene, no matter what the dialogue calls for . Perhaps she could be encouraged to try some different emotions, some more serious expressions, and a great deal less frantic smiling. This movie was pleasant, the puppies were adorable,but the drawbacks were so glaring that it left the viewer ready to forget every scene.

  • They had me at the puppies!


    This is a really sweet Hallmark movie. The actors are all pleasant and attractive to look at and the story is predictable and uncomplicated. This is the first time that I have seen Christopher Russell and I hope it is not the last. He is really handsome and a decent actor. The only real fault that I can find is echoed by the other reviews, Jen Lilley is obviously pregnant in numerous scenes. It is distracting, but she is such a gentle presence in the movie, I can ignore the fact that she is pregnant. The dogs are all adorable, but it does drive me nuts when people think it is cute when children improperly and awkwardly hold animals. Please Hallmark, teach the child actors how to hold animals in your movies.

  • Sweet but slow


    This was a sweet story but with very little dramatic tension to hold my interest. Cute puppies but not much going on. The dialogue kept repeating and I felt bad for the actors - they had so little to work with. I love Hallmark movies and I wanted to like this movie, but the best I can say is that it was sweet but slow.

  • I loved it!


    Doesn't matter if Jen's pregnant in the movie. It's still a sweet story.

  • Another


    Do the producers really think we're so dumb we won't notice the female lead is noticeably pregnant? I'm happy for Jen and her family, but this just doesn't work. Somehow, even though this film was shot after "Paris, Wine and Romance," the baby bump was not as obvious in this one, but still hard to miss. You have to be able to suspend common sense about a lot of things to watch these films, but with her petite frame even the most clever director can't camouflage that a woman is 7 months pregnant. Jen Lilly, Christopher Russell, Bailey Skopje and the rest of the cast were good, but the script was just so-so. There were lots of plot holes and strange timelines. For example, how old were those "puppies?"

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