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Hometown Holiday (2018)

Hometown Holiday (2018)

Sarah TroyerBradley HamiltonKevin McGarrySamantha Gracie
Justin G. Dyck


Hometown Holiday (2018) is a English movie. Justin G. Dyck has directed this movie. Sarah Troyer,Bradley Hamilton,Kevin McGarry,Samantha Gracie are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Hometown Holiday (2018) is considered one of the best Romance movie in India and around the world.

Krista is starting this New Year with a new business and a resolution to be more selective with who she dates. When Krista meets Ryan Rourke, an entertainment lawyer from LA, the two really hit it off. Ryan is in her hometown to sign a local rancher turned viral signing sensation as his new client. Now with Krista also in Rust Creek, maybe there is more of a reason to stick around. Both are holding onto things from their past and are forced to make some decisions if they truly want to be together.

Hometown Holiday (2018) Reviews

  • Nice light holiday treat


    I really enjoyed this sweet romance movie. Brittany Adams was bright, and beautiful.

  • Lovely little christmas flick


    I'm a sucker for holiday romances, and this film was everything I look for one. Good cast, and Ryan (played by Bradley Hamilton) was especially charming! Loved it overall.

  • The sweetest movie


    Such a cute movie. I'm not normally one for too much romance, but this one was just so sweet. Loved the leads- I will definitely be looking for more films with them. I'm also excited to see more of Jennifer Mote, I loved her as Maggie.

  • This movie is terrible


    Wow. I'm not sure which was worse, the acting or the writing.

  • Poor


    The acting is bad by almost everyone except possibly Sarah Troyer. Mishael Morgan, as the original girlfriend, Amber, is especially bad - so cliche. Bradley Hamilton is pretty timid for a big city lawyer and just doesn't match up well with Troyer. The story has many silly situations that just don't make sense even if they are supposed to be humorous. Other situations that aren't about humor are clumsy also. Grown adults are acting too much like high schoolers even for this type of movie. There is a bit too much musical montage. The movie covers more than just the Christmas season, but that's OK. On the plus side, the premise isn't completely based on overused tropes. The ending, though just as ridiculous as anything, is kind of cute and unique. P.S. I noticed a lot of reviews with either very high or very low ratings and most had very short, generic text - almost all have reviews of no other movies.

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