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Da (1988)

Da (1988)

Barnard HughesMartin SheenWilliam HickeyKarl Hayden
Matt Clark


Da (1988) is a English movie. Matt Clark has directed this movie. Barnard Hughes,Martin Sheen,William Hickey,Karl Hayden are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1988. Da (1988) is considered one of the best Drama,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

A New York playwright is summoned to Ireland to bury his father (his "Da"). While at his boyhood home, he encounters his father's spirit and relives memories both pleasant and not.

Da (1988) Reviews

  • I want this film on DVD - cause I'm wearing out my tape.


    This great little slice of life film is well-worth giving your time to viewing. The music score by Elmer Bernstein reminds me of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with an Irish accent. I laughed and cried - sometimes both at the same time. The acting is superb and Martin Sheen shows himself to be the great actor most of his film roles have never given him the prove.

  • Remarkable working of the parental death grief process


    Martin Sheen can do no wrong in my book. All his roles reflect reality and truth and this film is no exception. Any one of us who has lost a crotchety, cranky old parent can relate to this movie as Martin tries to understand his history with his father and how it has shaped him and impacted on him. Barnard Hughes is a delight as is the boss from the office. I have known these people in Ireland, they lived and breathed all around me in the sixties. Well done again, Hugh Leonard.

  • An Emerald Isle Jewel


    A week ago I received this DVD free in a national newspaper. Until then , I was unaware of its existence. I have to tell you that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Martin Sheen and Barnard Hughes are superb and their interplay is wonderful to see. Martin Sheen is excellent as the grieving son but is, in my opinion, surpassed by Barnard Hughes as the irascible Da. The film is a simple story but is all of the following ; unusual, funny, sad, uplifting and heartwarming.Everything about this movie oozes class, from the wonderful opening title music to the wonderful Irish humor of Da. You may have difficulty obtaining this movie on DVD, as I haven't seen it anywhere but if you do find it, even on video, you just have to see it.I promise you will love it.

  • Superb in all ways


    As a fan of "me own Da" and of the great, extraordinary actor Martin Sheen, I add my own comments about this film which ranks among my top five (none of which is number one -- they're all equal). The casting is the best ever for this thought-provoking, memorable story. Barnard Hughes' voice and mannerisms -- his grins and his tantrums and his pronunciation of "roses" -- are excellent. William Hickey, who plays Mr. Drumm, is so diabolical and selfish that separating the performer from the performance is difficult. What a miserable, outspoken, biased human being he is! Young Charlie and the mother play their roles well. I really like young Charlie's reaction to his older self -- in that restaurant. "What! Glasses, too?" or something like that. Imagine if you were able to see your body and soul thirty years hence! (Shudder) And pitiful Oliver -- Sheen's reaction to him when he puts on that sandwich board advertisement and when the "machine" nearly hits Oliver -- is great. A few weeks ago I went to a restaurant about three miles away. Nearby was a guy wearing one of those ads. Later that day the same fella was about three blocks from my home -- on a corner again and with the same sandwich board ad. What humiliation -- the same felt by Sheen (and appropriately not by the daffy Oliver). Now for one of the greatest actors ever -- Martin Sheen plays this, one of his favorites, role so well that "Da" remains with me in many ways. His "not to worry" remarks, his conversations with his father, especially when Sheen reverts to his boyish voice while Hughes talks about Charlie's birth mom (that was a "makey-up") and when he discusses the rain ("The angels will be having a ---.") and when he hugs his da, realizing the confusion between past and present being experienced by this hard-working man, so enamoured by the "quality." **SPOILERS** The ending is so beautiful; the roses, the father's voice so loved now by Charlie and the comfortable gentleman now dwelling in the apartment and in the heart of Charlie make for a sweet ending felt by those who love their own wonderful characters for fathers. I really love this film -- I have three copies -- and I thank Sheen for making it. I'm glad Blackie did not drown. We saw this as a play -- quite good -- but without Sheen and Hughes -- lacking. The film is excellent. The mother's poignant scene about her special day and the discovery that the father was not spending the money and the ensuing verbal backlash and Sheen's weeping in and with the rain are outstanding. ("That's hot . . . " I love that scene!) Savor the beauty of this Irish family.

  • My all-time favorite movie


    ... and yet virtually no one I know has ever heard of it. A story of reminiscence, regret, and reconciliation (a little too late), as Charlie, a successful Broadway playwright, returns home to Ireland for his father's funeral. His father, though dead, is very much alive in Charlie's thoughts. Every character in the movie is 100% believable, and real. The dialogues are genuine, ordinary, but insightful, and keenly sculpted. It's clear that Hugh Leonard crafted this as a play, and the cinematography leaves you with more of a stage feeling, than a film setting, but this doesn't detract from some stellar performances by the venerable Bernard Hughes, and what is probably Martin Sheen's finest performance. Funny, timeless, and ultimately very sad and touching. I hate to gush, but this movie brings it out in me. Flawless.

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