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Cruising Bar (1989)

Cruising Bar (1989)

Michel CôtéLouise MarleauGeneviève RiouxVéronique Le Flaguais
Robert Ménard


Cruising Bar (1989) is a French movie. Robert Ménard has directed this movie. Michel Côté,Louise Marleau,Geneviève Rioux,Véronique Le Flaguais are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1989. Cruising Bar (1989) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

In this outrageous comedy (where the lead characters are played by the same actor), four men from very different backgrounds set out to go "babe-hunting" on a Saturday night. Follow a very shy nerd, a broken- hearted junkie, a snob yuppy, and a middle-aged married man through their amazing ordeal!

Cruising Bar (1989) Reviews

  • Hysterical slice of life


    The story of 4 absolute "down-in-the-dirt" losers trying to land babes on a saturday night. The stories of the total geek and the wannabe playboy are the best. With the story of the cheating garage owner coming in third. The fourth story of the junkie movie star is a bit too serious and sweet at times to fit in with the rest of the film's laid back comedic and somewhat surreal mood but it's not too jarring with the rest of the film. The actor playing all four roles is Micheal Cote and I honestly think he should get the Peter Seller's award for multiple characters. He's great to watch. You really can't tell it's the same guy in all the roles. Highly recommended for those lonely Saturday nights when you'd rather be going out but would rather not go through what these guys went through.

  • very entertaining


    this was a very funny film- thoroughly enjoyed it- not an academy award nominee by any means, but just a great quebecois comedy about 4 men cruising the single scene (all played by the same actor who did a FABULOUS job)- it had my husband and i in stitches- very fun- the preppy guy was hilarious- and so was the geek- and so too was the married man- heck they were all funny- rent it on video or catch it on cbc tv now and again-

  • Bad movie with not so bad actor...


    Many people recommended me to see this movie, and I still don't understand why! I was told that it was not a masterpiece but that it was still an entertaining comedy, so I sat down in front of my TV with that in mind. I think I must have laughed out loud twice during the whole movie, which is a bad thing for a comedy. I'll simply put it this way: the story and the concept of a single actor doing the four main roles were very interesting, and the main actor was pretty good, but the situations in which the characters had to go through were, for the most, not funny nor original. Some things were also very predictable and some scenes just lasted too long for what they had to show.

  • A fun film by great Québec actor Michel Côté


    You have to give Michel Côté credit, this 4 character role is no easy feat, but he pulls it off well in this original comedy. The film could have been trimmed a bit here and there, and the situations get a bit too corny, but all in all it's worth seeing. Canadians are always wondering what our culture is. Well it's our neighbors to the east, Québec, who create the most unique and diverse films in the country. Their unique style, accent on characters and situations make these Québecois films always a treat to see, with production values mostly top notch. And if you don't understand french, just read the subtitles.

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