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Blood Prism (2017)

Blood Prism (2017)

Alicia SeguinHunter WieczorekLisa NeeldBuddy Pacy
Len Kabasinski


Blood Prism (2017) is a English movie. Len Kabasinski has directed this movie. Alicia Seguin,Hunter Wieczorek,Lisa Neeld,Buddy Pacy are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Blood Prism (2017) is considered one of the best Drama,Horror,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A successful artist and local art museum coordinator ("Cecilia") hears voices telling her to release 'troubled" individuals from this earth and into the serenity of the afterlife. Cecilia, now leading the life of a full-time serial killer, preys on the depressed, distraught, and hopeless as she attempts to find meaning behind the voices she hears. However, Cecilia meets a young man ("Lucas") who just may fill the void in her heart she has been missing her entire life.....the problem being Lucas is a suicidal, depressed man. Cecilia struggles between what her heart is telling her and what her voices are telling her about him. A story of love, life, and death.

Blood Prism (2017) Reviews

  • overacting


    I get that this is a low budget movie, but I wish they spent more of it on actors. While some of the cast performances are quite ok, the movie for me got ruined by overacting - all the forced eye-bulging, facial expressions that do not fit scenes and robotic delivering of text by main lead. Probably it was on purpose, but it just did not make much sense.

  • In Response


    I am the lead actress and co-writer of this film. Yes, I portrayed this character the way I did "on purpose." Cecily has a complex inner world yet she has a socially unacceptable and confusing way of expressing herself during basic interactions with others throughout day to day life. On a deeper level, she has underlying emotional and personality disorders and is on the Autism spectrum. Despite her defects, Cecily is also a talented, brilliant artist and business woman who directs a prestigious art gallery. Underneath all of these more superficial layers, at the core of her being lies her "spiritual mission." Cecily feels she is helping others, yet she really has darkness festering inside her, which she rationalizes to herself as "being of service to God" by "releasing those who are suffering." Cecily is sort of like a mentally disturbed murderous idiot savant. Either you get it or you don't, and for those of you who enjoyed the film and understood what we were going for, thank you. Those who did not, no hard feelings, this film is not for everyone. Thank you ALL for watching.

  • Out of the box


    Indie B movie like no other. Interesting storyline, plenty of gore and decent acting

  • Len's best movie yet.


    Len is such a great film maker. I have been watching his movies for years. I always wonder why he does not get more praise. He is a low budget film maker hence his movies are low budget. This is one of his bleaker visions as with his co writer he touches on the the human psyche. As with movies of a similar theme such as William Lustig's Maniac or Peter Walker's Schizo it is a brutal look at life. Though we are talking about a psychopath who indulges their urges. For me what sets apart from his previous work is that the camera is spot on. Beautifully shot when it needs to be. Close ups to show graphic violence. Also the music is some of the best he has put in a movie. Choosing the soundtrack can make or break a movie. I really liked this movie but you have to remember this is not a big budget affair so do not expect Glen Close to star as the evil doer.

  • Great fun Indie Horror Film


    Coming to this with the view that it is an independent horror film it does have a few issues, some of the performances are a little flat and occasionally the footage quality drops in a few places. Despite this there is a lot of heart in the film and the lead actress gives everything to her role as a sociopath killer. The cinematography & sound design is great and the murders are well executed and over all a very enjoyable film.

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