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When Worlds Collide (1951)

When Worlds Collide (1951)

Richard DerrBarbara RushPeter HansenJohn Hoyt
Rudolph Maté


When Worlds Collide (1951) is a English,French,Portuguese,Spanish movie. Rudolph Maté has directed this movie. Richard Derr,Barbara Rush,Peter Hansen,John Hoyt are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1951. When Worlds Collide (1951) is considered one of the best Action,Sci-Fi,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

South African pilot Dave Randall serves as courier - transporting a briefcase to American scientist, Dr Hendron. Inside the case are documents which state the star Bellus will collide with Earth, destroying it. A plan is developed to build a spaceship to carry a select few to the planet Zyra, a planet orbiting Bellus.

When Worlds Collide (1951) Reviews

  • Earth No More?


    Astronomers discover two planets coming Earth's way that will destroy our planet. Time is needed to do the unthinkable: create a rocket ship that will fly 40 or so people to one of the planets passing by to keep the legacy of mankind alive. This is an innovative, thought-provoking science fiction film. Little action is in the movie. It could have focused on the despair and panic people would have endured with such news, but instead the film, deftly directed by Rudolph Mate, focuses on the group of scientists and people involved trying desperately to fight against their greatest enemy - time. Calendars have pages ripped off showing the urgency. Sure, the science and logic in some of the physics of the ship are a bit ludicrous, but everything is presented in a very believable manner. Acting leads Richard Derr and Barbara Rush do workmanlike jobs while supporting players Larry Keating, Hayden Rourke, John Hoyt and Frank Cady(Sam Drucker from Green Acres) really give the film some life. Most importantly the film has you thinking about its premise well after having seen it. What would our world do with such news? How would we determine who would go? What would they find once they got there? Many scenes in the film stand out: the flooded vision of New York City with skyscraper tips jutting out of the water and the last scene of a group of space pilgrims landing on a new home for humankind surveying their new world with wide-eyed optimism, hope, and fascination. This is a sci-fi gem; one not to be missed.

  • Money to burn!!!!


    This movie rocks! Okay, I know it's dated. know what?? I Don't care! This kind of movie making would put half the people in Hollywood out of work today. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. They did it right in the early days. They had their priorities right: Story first Then characters Then Special effects Seems simple, doesn't it? How come they can't get it right today? (with few exceptions, of course). Nope, today it's Special effects, stars, then story.... in fact, even the stories aren't original!!! This sums up why I like this movie so much and many like it from the same era. They're exciting, fun, and captivating. The kind of movie that leaves you thinking, dreaming, having nightmares, all in the name of fun. You're left dreaming of what it would be like, how you'd react, what you'd do. You'd sit and ponder about a new life on a new planet. And not once would the level of special effects tarnish your view of this gem. When was the last time you felt that way coming out of a modern movie? My guess is a lonnnnnng time. There are very few exceptions today. The special effects in movies like "Worlds" was icing on the cake... BUT IT WAS THE CAKE THAT MATTERED! Today, it's all icing and the cake can't support it (crappy icing, in fact!!) Eat your cake and have it too! Watch "When Worlds Collide"!

  • Good Despite its Flaws


    When I was younger, this was one science fiction film that definitely made an impression on me. This was one of those where I actually was scared that one day my world would come to an end. However, as I got older I realized that this was just a movie, but still it is one of the best genre films of its era. Sure, it has its flaws (especially the painted background at the end), but still it is a film that was a product of its time and it will always be one of my favorites.

  • a wonderful sci-fi film because it ultimately looks at human nature


    This is an often overlooked sci-fi movie from the 50s--being not nearly as famous as the excellent Day the Earth Stood Still or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Despite this, it is still one of the best ones of its era. The basic story is good, but not great. What sets it apart are the characters within it and the insight into human nature it gives you. This makes the film very allegorical and makes you think. Many of the characters, such as the leads, rise to the occasion and only think of saving others when it appears most life on Earth will be destroyed. Then, there are the jerks who also show their true colors--such as the crowd who try to storm the space ship bound for a safe new world, and especially the evil old financier who who wants to save his own skin and could care less about others. John Hoyt plays this role beautifully and it is very, very much like the character C. Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons! Oh, and lest I forget, for 1951, the special effects are absolutely amazing. Aside from a pretty flat-looking matte painting used at the end, the space ship effects and flood effects were just terrific and earned this movie a well-deserved Oscar. This is a great sci-fi film that all fans of the genre need to see.

  • Outlandish budgets don't guarantee better films!


    Put this up against its 1998 re-build DEEP IMPACT and its easy to pick the classic - It ain't Morgan Freeman let me tell ya! This was a truly marvellous film, brim-full of original ideas and for its day, excellent FX. The people LOOKED like there was an impending tragedy about to take-out life on earth. The film was a study of individuals under stress, corruption, bravery, acceptance of the inevitable. It was also about the value and sanctity of human life. When the mighty rocket ship took off down that marvellous launch ramp at the very last second with its human cargo, all mankind's history and most everything needed to start up life from scratch, you wanted to cheer for them, be up there with them - it WAS after all simply the greatest adventure possible! Also, what sets it apart from just about every other "disaster" flick, there are no heroics, no last minute salvation. The fulltime scoreline read: Comet 1 Earth NIL. I liked that, we're talking realism here! So what if the final shot on the new planet looked like a pretty scene a group of year five students might have painted? The point had been made and George Pal had made one of the greatest scifi classics ever. It still is!

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