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Vengeance: A Love Story (2017)

Nicolas CageAnna HutchisonTalitha Eliana BatemanDeborah Kara Unger
Johnny Martin


Vengeance: A Love Story (2017) is a English movie. Johnny Martin has directed this movie. Nicolas Cage,Anna Hutchison,Talitha Eliana Bateman,Deborah Kara Unger are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2017. Vengeance: A Love Story (2017) is considered one of the best Action,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Walking home with her 12-year-old daughter after midnight on the Fourth of July, Teena crosses paths with some local losers to be brutally gang raped with her daughter Bethie watching. Bethie is able to identify the rapists, but when the rapists hire a hot shot attorney who attacks Teena's character, Dromoor, a local police officer who was first on the scene when police were called, starts to take matters into his own hands.

Vengeance: A Love Story (2017) Reviews

  • Imbecilic writing


    I'm not a movie critic but I did practice law for 41 years. The courtroom scenes in this movie exceed the outermost boundaries of stupidity. This is sloppy, incompetent and irresponsible writing. A piece of trash. It's impossible to point a finger at the person responsible with two screenwriters fiddling with a novel. Disgusting.

  • Showed potential....but


    This movie showed great potential in the very beginning. There were good characters and great plot development. Then it just fell flat. I guess the vengeance was supposed to be due to the connection between the detective and the victim, but I never felt any connection between them. The actual vengeance was poorly developed and the ending was pretty lame. There are better movies to watch.

  • disappointing. watch only to kill time.


    Acting is very good. Nicolas though is severely underused. Wasted even. The movie starts off very promising, like a space rocket taking off. The plot advances and just when you expect the movie to jump into high gear it only sputters, fizzles, and rapidly loses altitude. Finally showing to be a dud with a script that simply goes nowhere. Feels like a made for TV cop show movie. The failing is not the actors. They were all very good. The script is to blame. If you have time to kill with nothing else to watch then OK. Watch it for the acting. Otherwise, pass.

  • Formulaic Revenge Story, With One Good Performance


    There is not much of anything original or unpredictable going on with this movie. It is pretty much your standard revenge flick, where the bad guys get off in court, and they are dealt with via vigilante justice. There is one bright spot in the film, though. That is the performance of Talitha Bateman as the daughter. She acts in a relaxed, natural manner that is totally believable. In fact, she shows more acting ability than some of the other characters in the movie. But to be fair, there are a number of caricature roles in the movie that aren't very demanding of the actors (for example, the bad guys and their mother). Bateman is young, so I hope she can find some better scripts than this in the future, and continues to grow as an actress. At this point, she reminds me of how Saoirse Ronan was at the same age. Ronan developed into a very good actress. I hope Bateman can do the same.

  • Nic Cage's wig


    Straight to the point - this is a dreadful film. It has all the subtlety and breadth of a 3-year-old child's crayon drawing. Without exception, the support cast are absolutely awful in this. Their performances are clichéd, highly predictable and as wooden as a 2 by 4. The direction is unenthusiastic and the editing looks like it was done using Windows XP. The story-line is something we've all seen a thousand times before - only, even the worst version of this hackneyed story is better than this. Every prejudice you can imagine is wheeled out, beaten with a stick until it screams 'stop, stop', and yet, is beaten again. I know we live in age of the 7-second attention span but this film is a waste of 6 of them. Don't go to see it. And, sure as heck, don't pay money to see it.

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