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Restless City (2011)

Restless City (2011)

Hervé DieseMomo DioneLenore Thomas DouglasGer Duany
Andrew Dosunmu


Restless City (2011) is a English,French,Wolof,Yoruba movie. Andrew Dosunmu has directed this movie. Hervé Diese,Momo Dione,Lenore Thomas Douglas,Ger Duany are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2011. Restless City (2011) is considered one of the best Drama,Music movie in India and around the world.

Tells the story of an African immigrant surviving on the fringes of New York City where music is his passion, life is a hustle and falling in love is his greatest risk.

Restless City (2011) Reviews

  • Restless City


    I have to say that this movie surprised me. It has the feel of a typical foreign film thanks to its minimal storyline and over the top villain, but the visuals and the music are amazing. It takes place in the mean streets of New York and showcases African immigrants trying to make it. The main character is in search of a music career, but that is more in the background. This movie really is about an unconventional love story between two struggling New Yorkers trying to make it anyway they can. The scenes that I really enjoyed were very minimal scenery shots of him riding on his red scooter. The music in the background and the camera filter will mesmerize you. If you can I would definitely check this film out.

  • A Haunting Tale Of True Love And Tragedy


    Beautifully woven kaleidoscope of a story. Very touching but also heart-breaking. Enjoyable by anyone that likes to be taken on a journey through a character's life in a way so realistic you are sure it is reality. There are moments that made me squeal with delight as characters finally had the courage to say and do what was in their hearts. This film is the first time a bed scene actually made me cry a little. The overall effect of the film is very memorable and familiar to almost anyone. There were other scenes that were upsetting as well and left me feeling as if something left incomplete. If you believe in love-at-first-sight isn't always a fairy-tale, or even if you don't, then some of that waits for anyone who finds this film.

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