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Pan-dola (2016)

Pan-dola (2016)

Do-bin BaekSeung-Hoon ChoiSung-Wook EoBae Gang-Yoo
Jong-woo Park


Pan-dola (2016) is a Korean movie. Jong-woo Park has directed this movie. Do-bin Baek,Seung-Hoon Choi,Sung-Wook Eo,Bae Gang-Yoo are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Pan-dola (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Drama,Thriller movie in India and around the world.

Jae-Hyeok (Kim Nam-Gil) lives with his mother (Kim Young-Ae), his sister-in-law (Moon Jeong-Hee) and nephew Min-Jae (Bae Gang-Yoo) in a small Korean town. He is dating Yeon-Joo (Kim Joo-Hyun), while working at the local nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, Pyung-Sub (Jung Jin-Young) works at the same nuclear power plant. He is worried about conditions there, but nobody in the government listens to him. An earthquake strikes the small town where Jae-Hyeok lives and causes explosions at the nuclear power plant. The situation quickly spirals out of control, leading the entire nation to panic. To prevent another nuclear disaster, Jae-Hyeok and his co-workers return to the nuclear power plant.

Pan-dola (2016) Reviews

  • Mind blowing


    This movie is nothing new about the script, even the story is striking familiar with the Japanese people. This movie retell the story of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Powerplant disaster with Korean adaption. However, the actors/actress and director deliver a emotional, heartbreaking story with a sense of reality. The heroism acts is not just random actions, it is a sense of responsibility, love and a clear mindset. I believe, this movie should pay tribute to Fukushima 50, the name of the group of volunteers that stay and handle the situation within 20km zone around the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

  • This is a hard-hitting movie


    Honestly, I watched this movie without any expectations whatsoever. It turns out to be an incredibly emotional ride til the end. The plot, acting, graphics and ambiance are reasonably realistic. The last time I watched a movie feeling this emotional was when I was watching "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". I know that the acting and script are a bit Asian (well, this is an Asian movie), but all in all, this is a good movie. I admit that I watched it twice already.

  • Not a waste of time at all.


    This movie clearly deserves a 7 or 8 out of 10. You can already guess the story. However, the acting was mind-blowing. A movie that's simple but speaks out the truth of such harsh experience or possibility. I personally recommend to watch the movie with family (not kids if they're not used to violent movies). Don't miss it out. Great watch with loved ones.

  • Amazingly Heartbreaking and Passionately Human


    This movie plays out like a basic disaster movie: "crazy" people warning about the disaster, government awareness of the issue, greed winning over safety, environmental impact, okay acting, backstory, and exposition, blah blah blah. But... somewhere around the 45-minute mark (of a two-hour movie), something clicked for me. The acting was okay, but the raw emotions of the characters got me. Our hero was scared and traumatized young man, who wasn't afraid to announce his fear but risks his life anyway. The President isn't actively being ignorant, his team knows he's morally sound and would have stopped them from cutting corners. The mother isn't a rude old hag, she's mentally frail... There's no winning and that's why it hurts. I can openly admit to crying starting around 1:20 minutes. The last 30 ish minutes of the film had me struggling to breathe through my sobs. I don't even know if it was that sad, but seeing the radiation poisoning, seeing civilians being tossed around like just numbers, getting to know these characters, it's like seeing a documentary after a tragedy and feeling the pain as you watch.

  • Good movie with a story you've heard before


    I enjoyed this movie. There were no particular plot twists. You can pretty much predict most of the plot based on the premise: there is a nuclear plant and it's going to be damaged by an earthquake. All that logically follows has been delivered quite well. Warning: there will be crying men aplenty and a few moments when you might find yourself questioning the characters' life choices. I should also add that I watched this movie without translation. You can really deduct practically everything that happens without understanding the lines, because the actors' emotions speak louder than words. Everyone in the cast did a good job. P.S. Should you find yourself burdened with a glorious mission of fixing a failing nuclear reactor, I implore you to consider alternatives to exploding the place.

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