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Native (2016)

Native (2016)

Rupert GravesEllie KendrickLeanne BestJoe Macaulay
Daniel Fitzsimmons


Native (2016) is a English,Italian movie. Daniel Fitzsimmons has directed this movie. Rupert Graves,Ellie Kendrick,Leanne Best,Joe Macaulay are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Native (2016) is considered one of the best Drama,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Two scientists are selected to travel across the universe to the source of a distant transmission and potential life.

Native (2016) Reviews

  • Impressing Ending..


    But I wanted more....Although movie moves a bit slowly, the idea was good...unexpected ending. The ship was too funny though.....nothing inside... an hive full of honey?

  • A good Sci-Fi Flick


    The rating for this film is cruel. It's slow at times but it does draw you in, and then the twist at the end. It's a very small budget movie that has the strength in its' story and script. There are no George Lucas tireless explosions and sword fights, CGI etc, just mystery and thoughts of what could be. I would give it a solid 6.5. The actors do a great job and the script is fair. It is the first time director who fails to deliver as the construction of the movie is heaving and meandering. His direction lacks focus. It simply does not flow too well. Perhaps better next time? Enjoy.

  • For Fans of Thoughtful Scifi


    Really enjoyed this movie, the acting was excellent and the story engaging. Definitely for true fans of the scifi genre. If you're looking for a superficial CGI driven western in space this isn't it.

  • "It's only verbal? There doesn't seem to be anything cerebral."


    Here the experimental theater not the science fiction was my window into understanding it. 'Thinking' your lines to him and that has to read. They craft characters where there is no character as they are within a psychic attunement. 'The body' is not relating to its actor in the way of physicality. How can you embody transience of self? ...through her robotic vacancy? Interesting how Eva uses the yoga as this method in channeling all physical need through the most efficient mechanism. It is also the film that most literally unlocks Ellie Kendrick's process in perceiving characters through abstraction, concept, and symbolism. The exceptional live in this area of orchestrating music while the others recite lyrics from the page. She seems to carry this architectural process. It's why she is one of the most resonant modern day actors, both in vivid humanity (emotional) and in visible craft (intellectual) Here, her voice is so wonderfully precise it suits science fiction in some iconic way. With puzzlement: "It's only verbal? There doesn't seem to be anything cerebral." There the film described its own philosophy. The science fiction craft is endearingly 60s low-fi. A lot said CD-Rom or PS2, but for me, an audio-visual museum piece. 'Oh this museum plays movies too?' 'Yay lets go to the movies.' 'Well that wasn't at all like what plays at Cinemark.' I personally think humanity greatly craves becoming a hivemind, and as she said, 'maybe already are'; and that art is a giant empathy machine approximating a greater connection we seek with 'collective humanity'. So interesting that what led them there was art. Beethoven as this exception of the individual going against the utilitarian functional, the beauty was useless to them but compelled to seek it out as evolution seeks new frontiers, or self-understanding; even if it means certain death or certain war. This is why the murder felt like an entire genocide to her, as her method in understanding was through the collective not individual, then death could not be conceived outside an entire apocalypse. The final shot of the film was unusually haunting: two people walking by a bridge wide eyed, which feels very different following an entire film of interstellar travel.

  • Loved It


    While it was very slow, I loved how Rupert portrayed Canes struggles. I like to believe the characters had a happy ending. It was slow, but in the end when all the little details gathered I really did enjoy Native.

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