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Legend (1985)

Legend (1985)

Tom CruiseMia SaraTim CurryDavid Bennent
Ridley Scott


Legend (1985) is a English,Italian movie. Ridley Scott has directed this movie. Tom Cruise,Mia Sara,Tim Curry,David Bennent are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1985. Legend (1985) is considered one of the best Adventure,Fantasy,Romance movie in India and around the world.

A demon who seeks to create eternal night by destroying the last of the unicorns and marrying a fairy Princess is opposed by the forest boy Jack (Tom Cruise) and his elven allies in this magical fantasy. Two different versions of this movie feature soundtracks by either Tangerine Dream or Jerry Goldsmith.

Legend (1985) Reviews

  • There really should be two different "Legend" movies listed.


    There's the original version, released in 1986 and on videotape, and the 2002 Director's Cut, available on DVD. The latter version is one of my all-time favorite movies. It compares quite favorably with Peter Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" and is a modern classic. The theatrical release of 1986, shamefully butchered (chopped up and badly re-edited) by the mindless suits at Warner, and with its original Jerry Goldsmith score replaced by the rather trite Tangerine Dream soundtrack, is the version most people have seen. It was released on videotape as a children's movie. What it is, and was intended to be, is a fairy tale for adults. In fact, it's too intense for really young children. It's hard to say that the '86 version deserves any more than the "6" it's rated at on its IMDb main page. It is a disappointment, primarily because it's now impossible to watch without think how much better it could be. The feeling and tone of the film were ruined by its treatment. The Ridley Scott Director's Cut, released in 2002, is a completely different movie. If you haven't seen this version, you haven't seen the movie. It deserves a score of 9 or 10. It doesn't look like a movie made 20 years ago. Scenes which are vital to the tone of the film and the meaning of the story have been restored. The sumptuous original soundtrack, recorded with a full orchestra, has also been restored, and this adds more to the film than can be put into words. About the performances: A very young Tom Cruise is excellent as the hero. Tim Curry as the Lord of Darkness is awesome; his costume and voice alone are worth the cost of renting or buying the DVD. Mia Sara is absolutely stunning as Lily. She actually plays two different versions of her character, both wonderfully. This was her first role, a risk for Scott on such a big budget film, and she turned in the performance of her career. She's never been better, or looked more beautiful, than in this movie. The elves and fairies, both good and evil, are incredibly real-looking and believable. The costumes are perfect, and the sets are breathtaking, literally. One of the largest indoor sets ever constructed - a huge fantasy forest - was built for this movie. If you haven't seen this version, rent it. If you have kids, buy it for them; they'll watch it over and over. My daughter and her friends watch it repeatedly, she's probably seen it 50 times.

  • To take the horn of the Unicorn is to end all hope!


    Never did the phrase "a beautiful film" have more relevance than in this wonderful piece of adult fantasy. Make no mistake, this masterpiece, Ridley Scott's fourth film (it followed BLADE RUNNER) was never intended for children. Those who have written it off as a kids' movie totally betray their limitations and inability to see what is being offered here. A youthful Tom Cruise was such a good choice as Jack, the forest dweller destined to plunge the world into darkness and then have but one opportunity to restore the light. Mia Sara is the beautiful princess, part Cinderella, part angel, all virgin! and Tim Curry? well, what a simply staggering contribution as the Lord of Darkness. Totally unrecognizable both visually and audibly but what a performance. All the Ridley Scott trademarks are here, the back-projected blue light, the filtered scenes of wonderment, central characters in a crisis, the enigma of life itself. If anything, LEGEND is better now than when it was released. In '85 it received critical praise - just no-one went to see it! Well that's not strictly true. I attended the Sydney premiere and sat thru it entranced as others fidgeted, whispered, and generally brought attention to their limited attention spans and lowered perceptions! Certainly it is a film that on one level children could relate to and even enjoy but it is a far deeper film with a host of reflective ideas and quite magical concepts. What really IS the Lord of Darkness? What is the significance of the Unicorns? What becomes of the innocence we leave behind in childhood? If none of this interests you, make sure you avoid this film!

  • A fairy tale on film.


    I've read a lot of opposing views here and there are valid views on both sides. I guess it boils down to what your imagination can be hopefully transfered to film for you enjoyment. I've seen my fair share of fantasy films in my life and Legend probably reached to that part of me quicker than any film of that genre than has been done before and since. Lord of the Rings surpasses it on many levels...but Legeng still has the ability after all these years to make me think of pure fantasy, and that's what I believe this film is about. Good vs evil is what most films are about, but Legend is what fairies and goblins and a mystical forests are! Visually I doubt you can find much better even 20 odd years later! Good vs evil in a setting that is set in a purer forum. Character development here are not too strong, but they're not meant to be. They are strong enough to portray love vs evil vs good and bad, and they do it well in the context of the story. Tom Cruise did a good Job as the Nieve and yet courageous Jack, Lily was a the prize of his longing and it came across as undeniable. Mia Sara as lily is the stuff of youthful longing. Tim Curry played the spoiler and he did it to the point of stealing all of the film. He is the stuff of fantasy. The costume was spectacular, and his portrayal of the character was commanding...And over the top cause that what he does well! I enjoyed the directors cut film more as it is longer and tells the story just a little better, but I enjoyed Tangarines Dream's score more as it captured the mood of fantasy ( for me) as set in a mystical place! Jerry Goldsmith had some very good moments, but TD for me layed out a fairytale with my eyes closed better. But at the end you either see this for the pure fantasy it is about or you see it as something deeper that it doesn't pretend to be. It's much purer in it's view on good vs evil and to my taste it hits on every level of that platform. And not to mention it's ability to make for a great dream filled with hope and danger. Pure fantasy...and should be viewed with that intent.

  • A film for special people


    As often happens I have again bucked the crowd. A fine director has given us a charming morality tale for adults. It is lush, sensual, sweet perhaps naive, certainly it is charming. I am sorry that I did not ever get to hear the Goldsmith score, but I thought the Tangerine Dream score was very fitting. The youthful Tom Cruise was perfectly cast as the forest boy Jack and Mia Sara was just right as the girl. But the makeup job and prosthetics that made Tim Curry the Lord of Darkness was outstanding. a film with brownies, fairies, Unicorns, goblins. What more could a fantasy film deliver, and a a bonus the plaintive voice of YES front man Jon Anderson singing the song over the final credits. I am sorry that there so many people that were not mature enough to enjoy the artistry of this film. I would still like to get the DVD version to see the cut I missed.

  • A stunning movie .


    Legend is one of those movies you either love or hate . It's a fantasy movie but it doesn't really contain a whole lot of action which is probably why many people are turned off by it . But the film is visually stunning and features a good performance by Tim Curry as "Darkness" , Tom Cruise on the other hand looks a bit confused throughout the movie . Also Rob Bottin's Make up is just amazing . Now things weren't helped by the fact that there are so many versions of this movie and some are vastly better than others . The weakest and shortest of the all is the US theatrical cut because it misses many scenes and ads a few that seem tacked on but worst of all it contains a score by Tangerine Dream instead of the original one by Jerry Goldsmith . The European cut is better in that it is longer and it features Jerry Goldsmith's score . The best version however is the Director's Cut featured on The Ultimate Edition DVD . It runs alot longer than any of the other cuts and it is the most coherent cut as well and it features the score by Jerry Goldsmith.

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