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Jack (1996)

Jack (1996)

Robin WilliamsDiane LaneBrian KerwinJennifer Lopez
Francis Ford Coppola


Jack (1996) is a English,Spanish movie. Francis Ford Coppola has directed this movie. Robin Williams,Diane Lane,Brian Kerwin,Jennifer Lopez are the starring of this movie. It was released in 1996. Jack (1996) is considered one of the best Comedy,Drama,Fantasy movie in India and around the world.

Jack Powell was born with a unique disorder that causes him to age four times faster than people usually age, so when he's 10 years old he looks 40. This causes problems when he starts public school and tries to make friends with his classmates.

Jack (1996) Reviews

  • Genuinely amusing


    Okay it's not exactly the biggest stretch of casting to have Robin Williams playing a ten year old in the body of an adult. However, Jack is a pretty decent and funny movie. Jack Powell is born and he ages at four times the normal rate. For the first ten years of his life he is tutored at home and sheltered by his parents. Bill Cosby plays his tutor Mr. Woodruff. Diane Lane and Brian Kerwin play his parents who are reluctant to send Jack to public school because they fear the other children's reactions to him. When he does go to school, his teacher, played by Jennifer Lopez, welcomes him with open arms while, predictably the kids are both awed and afraid, and teasing soon follows. Jack gains acceptance when the boys realize that he is a natural for basketball, and he soon is running with a whole group of new friends. The rest of the movie is basically about Jack and how his body is just naturally slowing down, leading to his withdrawal from school, his eventual return, and the epilogue at his high school graduation. Jack was a pretty charming film and I liked the way that Robin Williams acted in his scenes with Diane Lane as the 10 year old with a strong bond with his mother, and her feelings of longing when he shows that he is pulling away when he gains friends his own physical age.

  • One of those rare movies with a real message


    This movie has something very important attached to it: a message of life. This is due to the underlying themes as well as to Robin Williams' touching performance which is saddening and inspirational at the same time. He is able to transform the sheer hopelessness of his fate which subjects him to an early death with such outstanding and sincere skills that are deeply moving. Apart from that his entire character - as it is designed - demands substantial acting throughout the whole plot. He delivers a performance that many other actors would simply not have been able to accomplish. It takes a special kind of actor to portray such a character just as Jack here. The message is that despite a fate that destines us to be exposed to tremendous agonies and blank despair, there is always a light of hope, and this light burns in our hearts. It's up to us only what we do with the time that we're granted with. In Jack's case time is even more precious than for normal people. Despite the sadness and despair that is ultimately caused thereby, we still have the chance to make the best out of every minute. All we have to do is value the little things, such as friendship and love, and thus escape the shades of darkness. The movie itself is funny and sincere, it has important dialogues and, as stated above, a real massage, which makes it special. Watch out for it.

  • An extraordinary movie

    Al Bundy1999-02-27

    Robin Williams is great as a ten year old, who looks like 40. When he plays with his mother (Diane Lane), explores the world or has a rendez-vous with the mother of his best friend - that is more than well-played. Williams as Jack: his best role after playing Adrian Cronauer in "Good Morning,Vietnam".Supported by the lovely, warm performances of Jennifer Lopez and Bill Cosby, Williams makes "Jack" a wonder. You can either love or hate this movie, depending on your RQ (=Romance quotient).

  • Excellent acting of Robin Williams in a Touching movie!


    When you see a shooting star... Robin Williams makes a really great acting as a 10 year old boy!, it's amazing how he can represent the feelings of a boy of this age!; the only role almost similar that i saw was Tom Hanks in Big (1988); but Tom act as a totally shy boy; Williams combines here innocence with happiness and a funny life!. The message of the movie is touching and with a beautiful message! In this touching and really good story you will surely have an important message for life: live everyday as it was your last, and always maintain that child that you'll always have inside you (as Mr. Woodruff). The role of Fran Drescher as Miss Dolores is also great too! ABOUT THE MOVIE: Robin Williams plays here Jack Powell, a child who has a medical disorder that makes him grow four times faster than any other boy, because of this, he, at the age of 10 looks like a man of 40 years, only that his brain and behavior maintains like the child he really is. Only this makes this role a total challenge for any actor. Jack's fathers (Diane Lane as Karen and Brian Kerwin as Brian) don't put him on a regular school afraid of what his classmates or other people will say; but at the age of 10, and after an excellent and touchable education of Mr. Woodruff (Bill Cosby), they decide to put him on a normal school where he finds difficulties but also great friends, specially Louis and Eddie (Adam Zolotin and Todd Bosley), he finds also an amazing teacher, Miss Marquez (Jennifer Lopez). Good movie,..Worth to watch 8/10

  • Better than expected!


    If you give this movie a chance, let your imagination go and you will believe (if you WANT to) that Robin Williams *is* a ten year old boy. I was surprised at how much I actually liked it. The premise sounds weak, but they did a fairly good job with it. The kids in the movie are great....... and the term "boys will be boys" is never as true as in the 'treehouse' scene. Watch it if you have boys ! You'll know what I mean! There is little if any 'language' in this movie ; no shoot-em-ups; no sex...the family can watch this together safely. Enjoy and let your imagination go... be a kid again!

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