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I'll Be There (2003)

I'll Be There (2003)

Charlotte ChurchCraig FergusonJemma RedgraveStephen Noonan
Craig Ferguson


I'll Be There (2003) is a English movie. Craig Ferguson has directed this movie. Charlotte Church,Craig Ferguson,Jemma Redgrave,Stephen Noonan are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2003. I'll Be There (2003) is considered one of the best Comedy,Musical,Romance movie in India and around the world.

A washed-up 80's pop star suddenly has a new direction in life when he discovers that he has a teenage daughter, Olivia, in Cardiff, Wales. The result of a weekend affair he had back at the height of his fame produced Olivia, a newspaper delivery girl for the South Wales Echo. He arrives in the small Welsh town, unsettling the life of his ex-lover while inspiring his newfound daughter to follow in his footsteps with a musical career of her own, against the wishes of her mother.

I'll Be There (2003) Reviews

  • Charlotte Church = Nice Surprise


    I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and unexpectedly so. I am not Charlotte Church's number one fan, but all the same she was not as bad as people seem to think, and it's criminal that this movie was in and out of theatres almost straight away. The plot is, I agree, similar to 'What a Girl Wants', but I think that they are different enough that you could see both and be quite happy. Craig Ferguson was excellent, all the more so as he wrote and directed, and Joss Ackland and Jemma Redgrave contributed to a solid supporting cast. I'd definitely give 4.5 out of 5 for this, only knocking off .5 as Imelda Staunton and Phyllida Law were somewhat wasted.

  • One of the most enjoyable movies that I have seen in a very long time.


    This movie had all of the elements of a good time. Wonderful cast, lots of laughing, music to tap your feet and terrific scenery. Craig Ferguson, did an outstanding tour de force with writing,acting etc. He's a joy to behold. Charlotte Church, moved me, she was just right, and her voice, like an angel. It's a movie for the whole family, without being a Disney movie. I am looking forward to seeing it again and again.

  • A great little film..


    Why does every film have to have multiple meanings in order to be considered good?? This was a real surprise for me. Uncomplicated and fun, this Charlotte Church vehicle gave me 90 minutes of popcorn eating enjoyment. I felt Charlotte was perfect in this role and she acted with vetern-like ease. The problem with critics these days is that they over-analyize every film to see if they meet some deep meanings. This was a film intended to be a feel good comedy and thats exactly what it does. The cast was great, and as an American I found some of the humor pretty funny. Lets not forget that the viewers get a chance to hear Charlotte's amazing voice, which is one of the most beautiful on earth.

  • The ultimate feel-good movie and what's wrong with that?


    I must admit I really enjoyed this film. Not because it had something profound to say, but simply because it is positive and has a very amusing, Scottish 'front man'. Craig, you're braw! You really can act the rock star from the smile to the stage appearance! I was also very impressed by Church - very natural. Maybe this film could help her go far? I watched the film with commentary since Ferguson was commentating and found it rather amusing to note that he really had had a motorbike accident (not in the way described in the film) and had broken a rib and hurt his arm. Although you don't think about it in ignorance, it does explain a few things when you know. A must-see for everyone who doesn't stick there nose up at happy film :)

  • Funny, talented, and surprising.


    I actually only rented this on the chance that I would get to hear Charlotte Church sing. I wasn't expecting much out of the film or the acting. I was wrong. I laughed out loud in several spots, and was extrememly pleasantly surprised to see such good acting. Most of all by Miss Church. Who would think that someone with such stunning beauty and such a talented voice, could actually act. The movie wasn't much of an inspiring romance, but it was a movie that was intedned to uplift you and inspire you to pursue your dreams. Entertaining to the last minute.

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