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Gotti (2018)

Gotti (2018)

John TravoltaSpencer Rocco LofrancoKelly PrestonStacy Keach
Kevin Connolly


Gotti (2018) is a English movie. Kevin Connolly has directed this movie. John Travolta,Spencer Rocco Lofranco,Kelly Preston,Stacy Keach are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Gotti (2018) is considered one of the best Biography,Crime,Drama movie in India and around the world.

The film will reveal the relationship of a father who lived and died by the mob code and a son who, while brought up to lead a life of crime, chose to leave that world behind and redeem himself and the Gotti name. Never before has there been such an inside look at the Gotti family and their world of danger, betrayal and redemption. John Gotti was head of the Gambino crime family, which in its time was the largest and most powerful crime organization in the country. Known as the "Dapper Don," John Gotti's flamboyant style and outspoken personality made him one of the most famous mobsters of the 20th century and he ruled the underworld until he died from cancer in 2002 while serving a life sentence. In 1988, at the age of 24, Gotti Jr. became a "made man," and was officially inducted into the Mafia, making him the heir-apparent to head the Gambino crime family and follow in his father's footsteps. But in 1999, Gotti Jr. paid a now-famous last visit to his imprisoned and dying father to ...

Gotti (2018) Reviews

  • Awfully Edited Confused Mess


    The production run of Gotti went through a lot of turmoil and changes, which probably accounts for a lot of what this movie slipped on. The entire film, especially the first two acts, felt like a deleted scenes reel from a different movie. Very few seemed like they were trying to convey the same plot as the one before or after it. It felt like a compilation of random moments rather than a cohesive timeline. The story didn't build at all, the pacing was mindless. The audience never got to know and care about the characters before the movie submerges them into their deep drama. The film seems to imply its events hold great importance but it never convinces you that there's any reason to care about them. Most of this movie's issues are in the editing. This is some of the most amateur editing I've seen in theaters. Every conversation felt very unnatural with its pacing, and there was a good amount of cuts and transitions that felt very out of place and unintentionally artificial and weird. The visual effects could've been worse, but they were still very cartoon-ish. Much of this movie felt like production pulled someone off the street and told them to make a Scorsese movie. It's just a bad impression of Goodfellas. It doesn't pull it off well at all, it feels very confused and unfocused. The subtitles and narration were frustrating. It felt like production couldn't decide how exactly they were gonna tell this story, so they just went with narration, but also flash-forwards, but also subtitles, but also fourth-wall breaks- it was so confused and unnecessary. All of these elements were overdone and messy, almost like they started putting in effort and gave up halfway through. So much of what the film does with its presentation to help the audience understand is just confusing and frustrating. There was a Pitbull song playing at a block party set in the late 1980s. Not over the scene like a soundtrack, but in the scene as if it was coming from a speaker. It was almost embarrassing. None of the music choices made sense and it always felt very interrupting and out of place. John Travolta didn't do a necessarily bad job, but it was pretty inconsistent. In some scenes it felt believable and in some it felt like he was doing a bad SNL impression and reading off a teleprompter. No other performances stood out at all. The movie did pick up more at the end, where it felt like it got a little bit of a grasp on which story it wanted to tell and how it wanted to present itself. It was still hard for positives to shine through how sloppy and amateur the whole movie felt.

  • A great story told very poorly


    It's bad enough this film took four directors, 44 producers and eight years to make, but then adding actor Kevin Connolly turned novice director, and two novice screenwriters made this film unbearable. The writing was a hack job and all over the place and the director clearly had issues directing his all-star cast, not to mention his poor choice of camera angles and annoying zoom in's that seemed to be filmed by a 10 year old with a 1990's HandyCam. The story itself was however very interesting and Travolta and the rest of the cast did the best they could with the convoluted mess the novice film-makers handed them. It's a very generous 6/10 from me.

  • Comically inept film-making


    If you've ever seen 2015's Entourage, you'll likely recall a scene in which Jeremy Piven's super-agent Ari Gold sits down to watch the directorial debut of movie superstar Vincent Chase. He sits clenching his teeth because he knows it's going to be awful, and when we get to see a snippet of Chase's garish futuristic monstrosity, we know it to. Only in this consequence-free world of naked ladies and supercars, the film is actually a masterpiece. You get a similar feeling when watching Gotti, the biopic of the Teflon Don directed by Entourage star Kevin Connolly. One can picture Connolly, surrounded by his boys, viewing the final cut in the editing room for the first time and high-fiving his entourage bros with a sense of clueless triumph. Gotti is an utter travesty, a half-baked film student's daydream seen through a haze of weed smoke which loosely throws together a few lines they might remember from Gotti's Wikipedia page. John Travolta plays John Gotti, and with a decent script and a competent director behind him, this may have been one of the roles of his career. Instead, we get a sluggish performance that barely skims the surface of one of the most notorious and powerful figures in mafia history. We meet him grey and in jail, taking in a visit from his son John Jr. (Spencer Rocco Lofranco), whose book the film is based on. Jr., a made man himself, wants to take a plea deal offered by the police, but rolling over for the government is as despicable as being a rat in the old man's books. This offers John Sr. the chance to reflect on his life and decisions, so the film jumps back in time to remind us how Gotti rose from gangster soldier to the boss of bosses. Only Connolly isn't interested in telling a coherent story, choosing instead to throw in a bunch of seemingly random moments you may expect to be reconstructed on a Discovery Channel documentary. There's a mob hit here, a domestic argument there, and every now and then Gotti will say something to his son about respect and manhood. I'm not particularly fond of biopics as it goes, but I can't recall ever leaving a film feeling like I know even less about its subject matter than I did when I came in. Rather than peeling away Gotti's layers to understand what motivated the man behind the dapper suits, Connolly stages scene after scene of unconnected action and wiseguy rambling, like a man raised on the work of Martin Scorsese and who may have seen The Sopranos at some point in his life, but without a grasp on what made those works of art so absorbing. If this isn't bad enough, Gotti is peppered with a near-constant soundtrack of songs apparently plucked out of the air. An over-reliance on music is always a telltale sign of a director without vision, but it's especially grating here, with everything from Dean Martin to Duran Duran to Pitbull thrown in for good measure. It ends with real footage of Gotti's funeral in 2002, intercut with regular folk beaming about how good the gangster was for the community. He may have been just that, only we wouldn't know it from this film. After almost 2 hours of brooding, murder and terrible parenting, these final moments only leave a bad taste in the mouth. We may someday get a good movie about John Gotti, but for now we'd be better served watching Jim Abrahams' Mafia!.

  • E (aka Kevin Connolly) stick to making pizzas on entourage


    I'm not sure i've seen a worse mobster movie. Hard to portray a mobster when the man in question couldn't keep his own mouth shut. Bear in mind I always thought the real life Gotti was my number 1 punching bag when it came down to trashing mobsters. He is to organized crime as Isis is to any terror attack, claiming responsibility left right and center. I understand the real life story could have made for some intriguing plot points and some decent filler for a film, but everything from the Son's death to Travolta's performance felt laughable, and the movie as a whole was all over the place. Are you supposed to like him, hate him? Had this been a more low budget picture, I could forgive this poorly executed movie. Sadly this tried to be a box office motion picture when it should have gone straight to DVD or even TV movie. It's a movie I could see someone randomly changing tv stations stopping to see for a few minutes before realizing they were better off watching re-runs of some bad reality tv show. Seriously E (Kevin Connolly) stick to what you were good at, it's clearly not directing.

  • God awful...


    I am a huge mobster movie fan, and love the HBO special that came out back in the day with Armand Assante, but this was an absolutely atrocious attempt at portraying the most legendary mafia boss in history. It was so horribly directed, and boring, I turned it off in less than an hour. So many parts of it were inaccurate, and it jumped around in a way that was almost impossible to watch because I really didnt care about any of the characters based on how badly they were cast, including Travolta who I like as an actor usually. Do not watch this movie, it is an insult to Gotti fans that this was even produced.

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