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April Apocalypse (2013)

April Apocalypse (2013)

Reece ThompsonRebekah BrandesBrent TarnolStephanie Hunt
Jarret Tarnol


April Apocalypse (2013) is a English movie. Jarret Tarnol has directed this movie. Reece Thompson,Rebekah Brandes,Brent Tarnol,Stephanie Hunt are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. April Apocalypse (2013) is considered one of the best Comedy,Horror,Romance movie in India and around the world.

After years of yearning for the girl next door, Artie finally builds the courage to woo her... only to find out the girl of his dreams and best friend, April, is moving away - sending Artie into a deep depression. Three years later, the emptiness subsides and the lion inside tells Artie to "go find April and make her yours". Empowered and eager to find April, Artie crashes his car on the way... and wakes up a week later in the middle of a zombie outbreak. Now it's up to Artie and his ever-growing courage to find April - no matter what cannibalistic creature steps in his way.

April Apocalypse (2013) Reviews

  • Very Charming


    I had no hopes for this before I watched it. In fact, I passed on seeing it twice before. However, the writer wrote a very charming movie. It was executed very well. It's about Artie (Reece Thompson), a 21 yr old boy, who's been in love with April (Rebekah Brandes) ever since he's been a kid. She moves away, and 3 years later, Artie decides to go find her, but his luck sucks, his car breaks down, and he goes back home. However, a zombie apocalypse has taken place, and nowhere is safe for him. His family is not in their home, but zombies are. After killing them, he wanders through the woods and meets up with Regan (Stephanie Hunt), who has recently lost her family to zombies. They walk until they come to a church where they meet a priest who turns out to be a zombie killer. Artie's time with Regan and the priest doesn't last very long, and soon he's on the road again, this time with a child hood friend of his. It was MUCH better than I thought it would be. The biggest name in this movie is Mark Rolston (Private Drake from Aliens), and he's barely in it, so that should give you an idea that they didn't spend much on the movie. This will not take the place of The Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, or any of the other zombie immortal titles, but I thought it was clever, fun, and charming. I recommend this. Do not expect great special effects or awesome kills. As I said, I think this was low budget, so watch it with that in mind. Without giving away any spoilers, I'll say that I didn't like the end. After watching it, you'll see why. I gave this a 6-star rating.

  • Frustratingly painful experience!


    I'm not a person that has ever written a movie review before but this movie caused some really intense inner rage that I felt I had to do one for this movie. Although production wise everything looked good, acting was fine and was generally a well made movie... where it went so horrifically bad was the cliché main characters that were impossible to like at all, with a storyline with way to many flaws to count and the lack of information for any situation that comes about or direction it goes. The main character that out of nowhere becomes a boss zombie slayer and is meant to be the triumphant nice guy trying to save the girl he loves that the viewer is supposed to be barracking for was so unlikeable that i found myself hoping he fails with everything, suffers from some severe emotional pain before dying a slow horrible death. Any likable characters in the film were killed off not long after they pop up just makes everything more annoying! Although this film actually had the potential to be a half decent movie if it had of somehow produced a more conclusive or even twist ending filling in any flaws in the plot and unanswered questions instead of the unsatisfying, unaccomplished expected one that is... SO I RECOMMEND NOT TO WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS FILM Ps. Reading that people actually found it charming and enjoyable just added to my already boiling rage inside after watching it xD and the fact it was rated as high as it is just infuriated me and made this one of my most hated movies ever watched! lol but each to there own, people can enjoy or hate whatever they like

  • Ridiculous, painful & annoying.


    I knew nothing about April Apocalypse before picking this up cheaply, and zombie movies can generally be a lot of fun, but this just had me regretting the moment I came across this and the time I wasted sitting through it. Movie starts off with a guy and a girl, (Artie and April), running in slow motion through a field being chased by a horde of zombies. There's a voice over by Artie which then propels us back in time a few years and a montage of the history between this couple. We then flash forward to the 2 of them turning up at a high school graduation after party and April has plans to break up with her boyfriend. Said break up does not go well. The douche bag boyfriend takes back his letterman jacket, punches Artie in the face who then finds out that April is moving away. Flash forward 3 years and Artie lives at home in the basement and runs a late night radio call-in show which no one listens to and the only calls he gets are crank calls from his younger brother or his mother to ask if he wants salad with his dinner. This is supposed to be funny I guess. His father sees him as a lost cause and even though he's only 21, his father thinks he's 31 and that April has been out of his life for 10 years instead of 3 and he should be over it by now. His mother is equally non-supportive and rather than just talk to him and encourage him like parents should, Artie instead gets the typical American universal fix-all to everything - therapy with lots and lots of medication. This is supposed to be funny too I guess. Unsurprisingly it turns out that Artie has no real problems except that he misses the girl he's in love with and just needs some direction, but his doctor/psychiatrist played by George Lopez of all people says his fine, but here take these experimental purple pills twice a day anyway and they'll fix up whatever is not wrong with you, sheesh! From there these pep pills give Artie new found vigour and he sets off to find April based on a postcard he got from her a couple of years ago. He takes his grandfathers car and heads off, but a zombie that came out of nowhere makes him run off the road and into a tree. Artie wakes up dazed, and he starts to make his way back home. The car radio talks about a virus sweeping the world, so zombies are the result. Artie quickly learns about the zombie outbreak once he gets home. His family has disappeared and after killing a few zombies that were in his house and getting bitten on the hand he sets off again in another car to find April. Somehow the pills he was given are staving off his zombification and he meets people here and there on his quest for his girlfriend, all of whom end up getting killed. Artie finally gets to Aprils house, rescues her and they make their way to one of the refuge shelters on the edge of town where he runs into his family. The refuge is just a large barn full of ill-prepared people and therefore nothing more than a zombie smörgåsbord. It gets overrun and everyone is killed. Artie gets bitten again and as he had run out of pills, turns into a zombie only to be killed by April. For a zombie movie, even one with a limited budget as this, it's a very poor effort. This is supposed to be a horror-comedy of sorts but I found nothing to laugh at as it's too stupid. It might be OK for a look if it's on late at night and you can't sleep but there's no reason to go out of your way for this one.

  • If you like wasting time, this one's for you!


    I'm a massive fan of comedy horrors doesn't matter how low budget but this movies plot is just frustrating from start to finish! So many small simple things don't make sense or add up and the ending to this movie would have to be the worst ending I've ever seen!! I'm not one to post reviews but this movie made me that angry at how stupid it is (not a good kind of stupid) I had to share my views and hopefully save someone else from going through this painful movie. There is not one likable character and when you do come across a better character there killed off!! Towards the end you feel there's going to be a typical plot twist which you feel you could still be satisfied with the movie but nope nothing about this movie will pull you in, wasn't even a good love story almost like it was just chucked together on the spot!!

  • Fun


    It's a zombie movie, it's a love story, its a coming of age comedy. What it really was though is just a fun movie. Seems like people these days watch movies just to pick them apart. I just want to be entertained and this one entertained me. Yes the characters were cliché but that was part of it's charm. It reminded me of an 80's movie where there was always the main kind of geeky guy who finds himself and gets the girl, the hot girl who finally realizes the geeky guy is her soul-mate, the jock who gets his in the end and of course the stoner for comedic relief. Speaking of comedic relief, there was a perfect balance of it which is something that's hard to do. Production values were decent but it is a lower budget movie so don't expect spectacular kills or special effects that will blow you away. Luckily that's not the focus of the movie, the story is, imagine that. I wasn't a big fan of the ending on this, seemed that the rest of the movie was so clichéd that it should have had the clichéd happy ending. I'd actually like to see them re-shoot a different ending and re-release it. Even ending with the two of them fighting off zombies would have been cool (and left it open for a sequel) But overall I liked it, I'd give it 7 out of 10 stars, it kept me entertained and made me feel for the characters, gave me a few laughs, what more could I ask for? May not be one you want to add to your movie collection but definitely worth a one time watch.

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