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Apocalypse Rising (2018)

Apocalypse Rising (2018)

Hunter Alexes ParkerShane SamplesJustin LebrunJohanna Rae
Richard Lowry


Apocalypse Rising (2018) is a movie. Richard Lowry has directed this movie. Hunter Alexes Parker,Shane Samples,Justin Lebrun,Johanna Rae are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Apocalypse Rising (2018) is considered one of the best Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Horror,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

They came from a doomed world to save us from the same fate.

Apocalypse Rising (2018) Reviews

  • Don't waste your time


    Total crap movie. Must have used two paychecks from wally world to make this one. Not quite the styled review as the attention seeker before me, but it is dead on.

  • Go and do something less boring instead.....


    Really, you will thank me for it. At the beginning of the movie I was expecting the opening scene to zoom out to a cinema audience watching an awful movie but I realised that I was that audience watching that awful movie. I had to stop watching.

  • Something "not expected" at least


    When I wrote this; the genres were still not defined on IMDB (under the title, as usual), so I guess that you will be more guided than me. But, though being caught "off guard", I immediately adapted and tried to enjoy. Unlike another lame zombie-apocalypse crash, for me it was much more - too interesting and rich in many 'max-mad' aspects. In short: eclectic modern and extreme parody. I believe actually beneath driven by real current extreme religious, political, radical and other global discords. It was loaded with strong comedy elements wrangling around from the very beginning. It scratched a loads of popular elements of Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres (in more then simple and funny context, given a quite crazy story) like: apocalypse, zombies, 'mythical' heroes/warriors (inter-stellar and tattooed, please), secret cryptic passages, puzzles, The Chosen-Ones, occultism, so forth so on. All mixed to the extreme! So, the script is a piece of work, giving here a credit to the author. Funny but (quite!) sick business it all is... It gave me a nice laughing on regular basis, going to the campy (literally intentional "too-much") extremes from "fierce / in-depth" story-lunacy to vicious character-ignited humor and more-then-morbid moments. I'm serious here: there are "too-much" (as simply put above, just: Sick) moments, so 18+ is suggested, 'cause there's more then freakish rock & you-know-what elements.

  • Worse than trash


    You know how some movies are so bad that they are good? This movie was so bad that it gave me diarrhea

  • Really bad


    Total and completta waste of time and money ( not much thankfully)

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